Title list

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CTR Title List Notes

Reports/title-lists here are automatically obtained from the system update SOAP.

CTR System Titles

Category Bit Mask Title Type Internal Description Bit Mask(s)
0x0010 Application SYSTEM_APPLICATION Normal | System
0x001B System Data Archives SYSTEM_CONTENT Contents | CannotExecution | System
0x009B Shared Data Archives SHARED_CONTENT Contents | CannotExecution | System | NotRequireRightForMount
0x00DB System Data Archives AUTO_UPDATE_CONTENT Contents | CannotExecution | System | NotRequireUserApproval | NotRequireRightForMount
0x0030 Applet APPLET Normal | System | RequireBatchUpdate
0x0130 Module BASE Normal | System | RequireBatchUpdate | CanSkipConvertJumpId
0x0138 Firmware FIRMWARE Normal | CannotExecution | System | RequireBatchUpdate | CanSkipConvertJumpId

00040010 - System Applications

System Application Notes

System Application titles have a unique title low that varies by region. Regardless of version, the ExeFS:/.code for mset is the same for USA/EUR/JPN. The 4.0.0-7 version of mset(4.1.0-8 for TWN) has the same ExeFS:/.code for all regions(JPN, USA, EUR, CHN, KOR, TWN). The 5.0.0-11 mset ExeFS:/.code is the same for all regions as well, except for CHN. The 7.0.0-13 mset ExeFS:/.code is unique for the following regions: CHN, KOR, and TWN. The only system-applications included with gamecard-sysupdates are: System Settings, Download Play, and SAFE_MODE System Updater. The only system-applications included with the New3DS gamecard-sysupdate partition are: "menu" stub and "friend" stub.

JPN TIDLow USA TIDLow EUR TIDLow CHN TIDLow KOR TIDLow TWN TIDLow Product code Description JPN Versions EUR Versions USA Versions CHN Versions KOR Versions TWN Versions Status
00020000 00021000 00022000 00026000 00027000 00028000 CTR-N-HAS? System Settings (mset) v0, v1027, v2060, v3074, v4097, v5127, v6157, v7173, v8198(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v9224, v10245, v10256, v11266 v0, v1027, v2061, v3075, v4097, v5127, v6157, v7174, v8202, v9220, v10241(New2DSXL), v10256 v0, v1027, v2062, v3078, v4098, v5128, v6157, v7174, v8203, v9221, v10241 v8, v1024(CHN-only sysupdate for just mset), v2049, v3075 v1026, v2049, v4098 v8, v1024, v2050, v3074 Active
00020100 00021100 00022100 00026100 00027100 00028100 CTR-N-HDL? Download Play (dlplay) v0, v1026, v2051, v3072(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS) v0, v1026, v2051, v3073 v0, v1026, v2051, v3073 v4 v1027 v4 Active
00020200 00021200 00022200 00026200 00027200 00028200 CTR-N-HMK? Activity Log (PLOG) v0, v1026, v2051, v2080 v0, v1026, v2054, v2064 Same as EUR v3 v2, v16 v2 Active
00020300 00021300 00022300 00026300 00027300 00028300 ? Health and Safety Information (safe) v0, v1024, v2050 v0, v1024, v2050, v3077 v0, v1026, v2051 v5 v2 v5 Active
20020300 20021300 20022300 N/A 20027300 N/A CTR-N-HAC? New_3DS Health and Safety Information (ssafe) v2, v17 v1, v16(New2DSXL) Same as EUR. N/A v2 N/A Active
00020400 00021400 00022400 00026400 00027400 00028400 CTR-N-HEP? Nintendo 3DS Camera (CtrApp) v0, v16, v1038, v2048, v3073, v4097(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS), v4112, v5120 v0, v16, v1039, v2048, v3073, v3088, v4097, v5120(New2DSXL), v5120 v0, v16, v1039, v2048, v3074, v3088, v4097, v5120 v3 v2, v1040 v3 Active
00020500 00021500 00022500 00026500 00027500 00028500 CTR-N-HES? Nintendo 3DS Sound (CtrApp) v0, v1027, v2049, v3072, v3089, v4096 v0, v1027, v2049, v3072, v3088, v4096 v0, v1027, v2049, v3072, v3088, v4096 v2, v1024 v2, v16,v4096 v3, v1024 Active
00020700 00021700 00022700 00026700 00027700 00028700 CTR-N-HED? Mii Maker (EDIT) v0, v1026, v2055, v2064 Same as JPN Same as JPN v1 v1, v16 v2 Active
00020800 00021800 00022800 00026800 00027800 00028800 CTR-N-HME? StreetPass Mii Plaza (MEET) v0, v1027, v2048, v3087, v4096, v5121 v0, v1027, v2048, v3087, v4096, v5122 v0, v1027, v2048, v3087, v4096, v5124, v5136 v0, v4096 v1, v4096, v5120 v1, v4096 Active
00020900 00021900 00022900 N/A 00027900 00028900 CTR-N-HGR? eShop (tiger) v4, v1026, v2057, v3081, v4096, v5123, v6146, v7169, v8206, v9231, v10245, v11265, v12288, v13320, v15366, v16384, v17421, v18432, v19465, v20483, v21504, v23552, v25600 v4, v1026, v2058, v3081, v4096, v5123, v6146, v7171, v8206, v9231, v10245, v11265, v12288, v13320, v15366, v16384, v17421, v18432, v19465, v20482, v21505, v22528, v23552, v24576(New2DSXL), v25600 v4, v1026, v2058, v3081, v4096, v5123, v6146, v7170, v8206, v9231, v10246, v11265, v12288, v13321, v15366, v16384, v17422, v18432, v19465, v20482, v21506, v23552, v25600 N/A v3082, v4096, v5123, v6146, v7169, v8205, v9231, v12288, v13320, v15366, v16384, v17420, v18432, v19465, v20482 v4096, v5123, v6146, v7170, v8205, v9231, v12288, v15366, v16384, v17421, v18432, v19465 Active
00020A00 00021A00 00022A00 N/A 00027A00 00028A00 CTR-N-HCB? System Transfer (CARDBOARD) v4, v1035, v2050, v3074, v4109, v5130, v6154 v4, v1035, v2050, v3073, v4109, v5131, v6155 v4, v1035, v2051, v3073, v4109, v5131, v6156 N/A v2, v1025, v2061, v3082 v2, v1025, v2061 Active
00020B00 00021B00 00022B00 N/A N/A N/A CTR-N-HMA? Nintendo Zone ("Nintendo") (MARS) v0, v1034 Same as JPN Same as JPN N/A N/A N/A Active
00020D00 00021D00 00022D00 00026D00 00027D00 00028D00 CTR-N-HCH? Face Raiders v0, v1028 v0, v1028, v1040 Same as EUR v0 v0 v2 Active
20020D00 20021D00 20022D00 N/A 20027D00 N/A ? New_3DS Face Raiders (FACE) v2050 v2049 Same as EUR. N/A v2049 N/A Active
00020E00 00021E00 00022E00 00026E00 00027E00 00028E00 CTR-N-HAR? AR Games (AR_ACT) v0, v1026 v0, v1026, v1040 v0, v1027, v1040 v0 v0, v16 v1 Active
00020F00 00021F00 00022F00 00026F00 00027F00 00028F00 CTR-N-HSH? SAFE_MODE System Updater (mset) v0, v1024, v2049 v0, v1024, v2050 Same as JPN v1, v1026 v1 v1 Active
00023000 00024000 00025000 N/A N/A N/A (Variable?) Promotional video v2, v2048 v<unknown>, v2048 v0, v2048 N/A N/A N/A Stubbed
0002BF00 0002C000 0002C100 N/A N/A N/A CTR-N-HAF? Nintendo Network ID Settings (act) v14, v1029, v2051, v3072 Same as JPN Same as JPN N/A N/A N/A Active
20023100 20024100 20025100 N/A N/A N/A CTR-N-HAJ? microSD Management ('mcopy') (New_3DS-only) v8, v1024 v4 v5 N/A N/A N/A Available
2002C800 2002CF00 2002D000 N/A 2002D700 N/A CTR-P-CTAP New_3DS HOME menu digital manual v2, v18, v34, v50 v1, v17, v34, v48(New2DSXL) v1, v18, v33 N/A v2 N/A Stubbed
2002C900 2002D100 2002D200 N/A 2002D800 N/A CTR-P-CTAP New_3DS Friends list digital manual v1 Same as JPN. v0, v16 N/A v2 N/A Stubbed
2002CA00 2002D300 2002D400 N/A 2002D900 N/A CTR-P-CTAP New_3DS Notifications digital manual v0, v1(JPN-only Oct 2, 2014 "sysupdate", actually uploaded on 09-29-14. Identical to v0, same TMDs besides title-versions) v2 v0 N/A v2 N/A Stubbed
2002CB00 2002D500 2002D600 N/A 2002DA00 N/A CTR-P-CTAP New_3DS Game Notes digital manual v0, v1 v2 Same as EUR. N/A v1 N/A Stubbed

0004001B - System Data Archives

TitleID Low Description Versions
00010002 ClCertA v0
00010702 NS CFA v0, v1028, v2048, v3073, v4096(also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
00010802 This CFA only contains a 1-byte "dummy.txt" in the RomFS, which contains '0'. v0, v1024, v2048, v3072
00018002 Same contents as 00010802. Starting with 7.1.0-15, the "dummy.txt" file was removed from RomFS: this CFA RomFS now contains web-browser data(similar to 00018102) for NNID / networking, etc. v14, v1025, v2055, v3078, v4096, v5120
00018102 This contains local web-browser data(html/js, gfx, etc) for the Miiverse Offline-mode. v11, v1025(also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
00018202 This contains the webkit/OSS CROs used with the Miiverse applet and the "act" application. v7, v1026(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v2050
00019002 Fangate_updater v2, v1026

00040030 - System Applets

System Applet Notes

Most of these processes are applets, see here for details. All of the below processes use the "SYSTEM" memory-region. The ExeFS for Home Menu is exactly the same for USA/EUR/JPN. The Miiverse applet seems to use a web browser with webkit.

JPN TitleIDLow USA TitleIDLow EUR TitleIDLow CHN TitleIDLow KOR TitleIDLow TWN TitleIDLow Product code Description JPN Versions USA Versions EUR Versions
00008102 CTR-P-CTAP Test Menu (Demo1) ..., v64, ..., v27648
00008202 00008F02 00009802 0000A102 0000A902 0000B102 CTR-P-HMM? Home Menu (menu) v0, v1027, v2049, v3075, v4111, v5131, v6146, v7172, v8198, v9230, v10250(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v13313, v14336, v15360, v16402, v17408, v18432, v19476, v20487, v22528, v23552, v24576, v25600, v26626, v27648, v28672, v29696, v30721 v0, v1027, v2049, v3075, v4111, v5131, v6146, v7172, v8198, v9230, v11272, v12288, v13330, v14336, v15360, v16404, v17415, v19456, v20480, v21504, v22528, v23552, v24578, v25600, v26624, v27648, v28673 v0, v1027, v2049, v3075, v4111, v5131, v6146, v7172, v8198, v9230, v11272, v12288, v13330, v14336, v15360, v16404, v17415, v19456, v20480, v21504, v22528, v23554, v24576, v25600, v26624, v27649(New2DSXL), v27649
00008402 00009002 00009902 0000A202 0000AA02 0000B202 CTR-N-HCS? Camera applet used by Home-menu (CtrApp) v0, v1036, v2049(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
00008502 00009102 00009A02 ? ? ? ? Not available on CDN ? ? ?
00008602 00009202 00009B02 0000A402 0000AC02 0000B402 CTR-N-HMV? Instruction Manual, applet for displaying instruction manuals v0, v1026, v2048, v3072, v4097, v5120(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
00008702 00009302 00009C02 0000A502 0000AD02 0000B502 CTR-N-HGM? Game Notes (Cherry) v0, v1026, v2049, v3073, v4096(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
00008802 00009402 00009D02 0000A602 0000AE02 0000B602 Internet Browser (spider) v6, v1024, v2050, v3074 (EUR)/v3075(USA,JAP), v3088, v4096, v5121, v6149, v7168, v8192, v9232, v10240, v11297
20008802 20009402 20009D02 ? 2000AE02 N/A CTR-N-HBR? New 3DS Internet Browser (SKATER) v10, v1027, v2051, v3077, v4096, v5121, v6144, v7184, v8192, v10272
00008A02 Fatal error viewer (ErrDisp) v0, v1025, v2048, v3072, v4096, v5121, v6144, v7168(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
00008A03 SAFE_MODE ErrDisp v0
20008A03 20008A03 20008A03 ? 20008A03 N/A New_3DS SAFE_MODE ErrDisp v7169
00008D02 00009602 00009F02 0000A702 0000AF02 0000B702 CTR-N-HFR? Friend List (friend) v0, v1026, v2051, v3082, v4099, v5120, v6144(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS) (EUR v6, v1024, v3082, v4099, v5120, v6144)
00008E02 00009702 0000A002 0000A802 0000B002 0000B802 CTR-N-HCR? Notifications (newslist) v0, v1029, v2054, v3075, v4097 (EUR v6, v1024, v2054, v3075, v4097) (JPN: ..., v4096, v5121)
0000C002 0000C802 0000D002 0000D802 0000DE02 0000E402 CTR-N-HKY? Software Keyboard (swkbd) v0, v1026, v2053, v3072, v4096(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
0000C003 0000C803 0000D003 0000D803 0000DE03 0000E403 SAFE_MODE Software Keyboard (swkbd) v0
2000C003 2000C803 2000D003 ? 2000DE03 N/A New 3DS SAFE_MODE Software Keyboard (swkbd) v1024 v0
0000C102 0000C902 0000D102 0000D902 0000DF02 0000E502 CTR-N-HMS? Mii picker (appletEd) v0, v1026, v2048(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS), v3077
0000C302 0000CB02 0000D302 0000DB02 0000E102 0000E702 CTR-N-HCC? Picture picker (PNOTE_AP) v0, v1024, v2049(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v3075, v4096
0000C402 0000CC02 0000D402 0000DC02 0000E202 0000E802 CTR-N-HMC? Voice memo picker (SNOTE_AP) v0, v3, v1026, v2048(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
0000C502 0000CF02 CTR-N-HEEA


Non-critical (online, etc) error display (error) v0, v1026, v2053, v3074, v4096(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v5128, v6145
0000C503 0000CF03 SAFE_MODE error applet v0
2000C503 2000C503 2000C503 ? 2000CF03 N/A New 3DS SAFE_MODE error applet v1024
0000CD02 0000D502 CTR-N-HADA


Circle Pad Pro test/calibration applet (extrapad) v1, v1026, v2048(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v3073, v4097(New2DSXL), v4097
0000C602 0000CE02 0000D602 N/A 0000E302 0000E902 CTR-N-HAA? eShop applet, used by applications for accessing the eShop, for DLC/etc. Also used by the eShop application itself. (mint) v5, v1028, v2050, v3072, v4109, v5125(v5123 for JPN), v6145, v7168(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v8200, v9224, v10247, v11264, v12293, v13312, v14337, v15360, v16384, v17408(EUR), v18432, v19457
0000BC02 0000BD02 0000BE02 ? N/A ? CTR-N-HAE? Miiverse (olv) v14, v1024, v2048(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS), v3072, v4096
0000F602 ? N/A ? CTR-N-HAGA Likely the "system library" for Miiverse (memolib) v5, v1024(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v2050, v3072
00008302 00008B02 0000BA02 ? N/A ? CTR-N-HAH? In-app Miiverse-posting applet (solv3) v6
00009502 00009E02 0000B902 ? 00008C02 0000BF02 CTR-N-HA3? Cabinet (amiibo Settings) v7, (v1024 for TWN), v1031

0004009B - Shared Data Archives

JPN TitleIDLow USA TitleIDLow EUR TitleIDLow CHN TitleIDLow KOR TitleIDLow TWN TitleIDLow Description Versions
00010202 00010202 00010202 00010202 00010202 00010202 Probably Mii-related, contains "CFL_Res.dat" in the RomFS. v0
00010402 00010402 00010402 00010402 00010402 00010402 Region Manifest. Mounted as "area:" v0, v1024, v2050, v3072, v4098, v5122
00010602 00010602 00010602 00010602 00010602 00010602 Non-Nintendo TLS Root-CA Certificates (RomFS contains files with filename "CACERT_PUBLIC_CA_<val>.der", where <val> is 5..8) v2, v1024
00011002 "CHN/CN" Dictionary. v1
00011102 "TWN/TN" dictionary. v1
00011202 "NL/NL" dictionary. v0
00011302 "EN/GB" dictionary. v0
00011402 "EN/US" dictionary. v0
00011502 "FR/FR/regular" dictionary. v0
00011602 "FR/CA/regular" dictionary. v0
00011702 "DE/regular" dictionary. v0
00011802 "IT/IT" dictionary. v0
00011902 "JA_small/32" dictionary. v0
00011A02 "KO/KO" dictionary. v1
00011B02 "PT/PT/regular" dictionary. v0
00011C02 "RU/regular" dictionary. v0
00011D02 00011D02 "ES/ES" dictionary. v0
00011E02 "PT/BR/regular" dictionary. v0
00012202 00012302 00012102 00012402 00012502 00012602 ?contains a lists with error strings v1026, v2053, v3073, v4096, v5120, v6149, v7168, v8192, v9218, v10242, v11269, v12289, v13312, v13313 (JPN: v14336) (KOR: v6148, v7169, v8193, v9216, v10240)
00013202 00013302 00013102 00013502 Mounted as "eula:" v0, v1024, v2049 USA: v1024, v2051, v3074, v4100(EUR-only), v4099, v6144, v7168 (KOR: v1025)
00014002 00014002 00014002 00014002 00014002 00014002 JPN/EUR/USA System Font ("font:") v0
00014102 00014102 00014102 00014102 00014102 00014102 CHN System Font ("font:") v0, v1024
00014202 00014202 00014202 00014202 00014202 00014202 KOR System Font ("font:") v0, v1024
00014302 00014302 00014302 00014302 00014302 00014302 TWN System Font ("font:") v0, v1024
00015202 00015302 00015102 N/A 00015502 0015602 Mounted as "rate:" v0 (EUR: v0, v1024) (KOR: v1024)

000400DB - System Data Archives

System Data Archive Notes

These NVer titleIDs can be found @ offset 0x320 in every CCI.

EUR TitleIDLow JPN TitleIDLow USA TitleIDLow CHN TitleIDLow KOR TitleIDLow TWN TitleIDLow Description USA/EUR/JPN Versions CHN Versions TWN Versions KOR Versions
00010302 00010302 00010302 00010302 00010302 00010302 NGWord bad word list v0, v1024, v2052, v3072, v4096, v5120, v6144, v7168, v8192, v9217
00010502 00010502 00010502 00010502 00010502 00010502 Nintendo Zone hotspot list v0, v1024, v2048, v3073, v4096, v5120, v6144, v7169, v8192, v9216, v10242, v11267, v12288, v14336, v15360, v16386, v17409, v18432, v19457, v20480, v22528
00016102 00016202 00016302 00016402 00016502 00016602 NVer v0, v16, v32, v48, v64, v80, v96, v112, v128, v144, v160, v176, non-USA=v192/USA=v192, v208, v224, v240, v256, v272, v288, v304, v320, v336, v352, v368, v384, v400, v416, v432, v448, v464, v480, v496, v512, v528, v544, v560, v576, v608, ..., v672 v113, v128, v129, v130, v272, v131, v132 v114, v133, v134, v136, v144, v160 v192, v272, v208, v224, v240, v272, v288, v304, v320, v336, v352, v368, v384, v400, v416, v432, v448, v464, v480, v496, ..., v544 v113, v114, v133, v134, v136, v160, v176, v176, v272, v224, v240, v256, v272, v288, v304, v320, v336, v352, v368, v384, v400, v416, v432, v448, v464, v480, v496, v512, ..., v576
20016102 20016202 20016302 N/A 20016502 N/A New_3DS NVer v0, v320, v336, v352, v352, v368, v384, v400, v416, v432, v448, v464, v480, v496, v512, v528, v544, v560, v576, ..., v672 N/A N/A v320, v336, v352, v368, v384, v400, v416, v432, v448, v464, v496, v512, ..., v576
00017102 00017202 00017302 00017402 00017502 00017602 CVer v1024, v1045, v2049, v2069, v2088 v3088, v4098, v4113, v4130, v4145, v4163, v4176, v5120, v5136, v6146, v6160, v6178, v6192, v7175, v7187, v7203, v8196, v8208, v8215(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v9218, v9232(JPN-only), v9248, v9264, v9280, v9296, v9319, v9328, v9344, v9360, v10240, v10256, v10272, v10288, v10304, v10320, v10336, v10352, v11264, v11280, v11296, v11312, ..., v11344, ..., v11408 v1024, v1045, v2049, v2069, v2088 v3088, v4098, v4113, v4130, v4145, v4163, v4176, v5120, v5136, v6146, v6160, v6178, v6192, v7175, v7187, v7203, v8196, v8208, v9217, v9264, v9296, v9319, v9328, v9344, v9360, v10240, v10272, v10304, v10320, v10336, v10352, v11296, v11312, ..., v11408 Same as CHN Same as CHN + v11280

00040130 - System Modules

System Module Notes

Once Home Menu finishes loading, all of the below system modules are running, except for MP, RO, and act which are automatically loaded when a process requires them. When PM-module terminates processes, it will check whether the processes listed as dependencies for this process are listed as dependencies for other processes. Any processes which are no longer listed in any processes dependencies lists are then terminated. On New_3DS, the only New3DS-specific system-module which automatically gets loaded during system boot is qtm. All of the below system modules use the "BASE" memory-region(specified in the exheader), except when listed otherwise for certain modules. When handling the exheader dependency list starting with 8.0.0-18, Old3DS FIRM PM-module now skips handling titles in this list which have any bits in programID-low bitmask 0xF0000000 set(with 8.0.0-18 this is hard-coded). The exheader dependency list handling change is for the New 3DS system-module(s), which do not exist on Old3DS. When the New3DS pm-module is launching any title except NS, it first attempts to launch the title with programID-low bitmask 0x20000000 set, then with that bitmask clear if launching fails.

TitleID Low Description Versions
00001002 sm (Stored in NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001003 SAFE_MODE sm (Stored in SAFE_MODE NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001102 fs (Stored in NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001103 SAFE_MODE fs (Stored in SAFE_MODE NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001202 pm (Stored in NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001203 SAFE_MODE pm (Stored in SAFE_MODE NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001302 loader (Stored in NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001303 SAFE_MODE loader (Stored in SAFE_MODE NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001402 pxi (Stored in NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001403 SAFE_MODE pxi (Stored in SAFE_MODE NATIVE_FIRM) N/A
00001502 AM ( Application Manager ) v0, v1026, v2053, v3072, v4098, v5120, v6148, v7168(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v8192, v9217
00001503 SAFE_MODE AM v0
20001503 New_3DS SAFE_MODE AM v7169
00001602 Camera v0, v1026, v2048, v3074, v4098, v5120, v6146, v7172, v9216, v10242, v11265
20001602 New_3DS Camera v8200, v9218, v10242, v11265, v12288(New2DSXL)
00001702 Config (cfg) v0, v1024, v2049, v3072, v4096, v5122, v6145, v7168, v8196, v9220, v10243, v11265(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v12290, v13315, v14342, v15360(New2DSXL)v15360
00001703 SAFE_MODE Config (cfg) v0
20001703 New_3DS SAFE_MODE Config (cfg) v11265
00001802 Codec v0, v1025, v2048, v3072, v4098, v5120, v6144, v7168(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS)
00001803 SAFE_MODE Codec v0
20001803 New_3DS SAFE_MODE Codec v7169
00001A02 DSP v0, v1024, v2048, v3074, v4096, v5120, v6145, v7169
00001A03 SAFE_MODE DSP v0
20001A03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE DSP v6145
00001B02 GPIO v0, v1025, v2048, v3073
00001B03 SAFE_MODE GPIO v0
20001B03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE GPIO v3073
00001C02 GSP v0, v1040, v2049, v3075, v4098, v5120, v6145, v7168, v8196, v10240, v11264, v12294, v13312, v14336
20001C02 New_3DS GSP v10243, v11267, v12294, v13312, v14336(New2DSXL)
00001C03 SAFE_MODE GSP v0
20001C03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE GSP v9217
00001D02 HID (Human Interface Devices) v0, v1025, v2048, v3072, v4096, v5121, v6148, v7168, v8192(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v9216, v10240
00001D03 SAFE_MODE HID v0
20001D03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE HID v8193
00001E02 i2c v0, v1024, v2049, v3076, v5120
20001E02 New_3DS i2c v4096, v5121
00001E03 SAFE_MODE i2c v0
20001E03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE i2c v4097
00001F02 MCU v0, v1026, v2048, v3072, v4102, v5122, v6145, v7168, v8192
20001F02 New_3DS MCU v8192, v9216(New2DSXL)
00001F03 SAFE_MODE MCU v0
20001F03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE MCU v9217
00002002 MIC (Microphone) v0, v1025, v2048
00002102 PDN v0, v1025, v2048
00002103 SAFE_MODE PDN v0
20002103 New_3DS SAFE_MODE PDN v3073
00002202 PTM (Play time, pedometer, and battery manager) v0, v1026, v2048, v3075, v4096, v5120, v6146, v7168, v8192, v9219, v11264
20002202 New_3DS PTM (Play time, pedometer, and battery manager) v10240, v11264
00002203 SAFE_MODE PTM v0
20002203 New_3DS SAFE_MODE PTM v10241
00002302 spi v0, v1025, v2049, v3072
20002302 New_3DS spi v4096
00002303 SAFE_MODE spi v0
20002303 New_3DS SAFE_MODE spi v4097
00002402 AC (Network manager) v0, v1024, v2052, v3072, v4101, v5122, v6145, v7172, v8192(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS), v9216
00002403 SAFE_MODE AC v0
20002403 New_3DS SAFE_MODE AC v8193
00002602 Cecd (StreetPass) v0, v1026, v2048, v3073, v4097, v5122, v6144, v7170, v8193, v9216, v10240
00002702 CSND v0, v1025, v2048, v3073, v4096, v5120
00002703 SAFE_MODE CSND v0
20002703 New_3DS SAFE_MODE CSND v5121
00002802 DLP (Download Play) v0, v1026, v2048, v3078, v4099, v5123, v6145(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS), v7174, v8192
00002902 HTTP v0, v1026, v2049, v3072, v4099, v5122, v6145, v7171, v8192, v9220, v10245, v11264(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v12288, v13318, v14336
00002903 SAFE_MODE HTTP v0
20002903 New_3DS SAFE_MODE HTTP v10241
00002A02 MP v0, v1025, v2048
00002A03 SAFE_MODE MP v0
00002B02 NDM v0, v1025, v2049, v3072, v4098, v5124, v6144(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v7169
00002C02 NIM v0, v1028, v2055, v3074, v4100, v5120, v6148, v7174, v8195, v9217(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v10249, v11267, v12296, v13313
00002C03 SAFE_MODE NIM v0
20002C03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE NIM v9217
00002D02 NWM ( Low-level wifi manager ) v0, v1024, v2052, v3072, v4101, v5120, v6148, v7169, v8196, v9216, v10240
00002D03 SAFE_MODE NWM v0, v5120
20002D03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE NWM v10241
00002E02 Sockets v0, v1024, v2053, v3075, v4096, v5121, v6144, v7168, v8192
00002E03 SAFE_MODE Sockets v0
20002E03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE Sockets v7169
00002F02 SSL v0, v1024, v2048, v3072, v4096, v5122, v6144, v7168, v8198
00002F03 SAFE_MODE SSL v0
20002F03 New_3DS SAFE_MODE SSL v7169
00003000 Process9 (in SAFE_MODE and normal NATIVE_FIRM)
00003102 PS ( Process Manager ) v0, v1025, v2049, v3072, v4096, v5120
00003103 SAFE_MODE PS v0
20003103 New_3DS SAFE_MODE PS v5121
00003202 friends (Friends list) v0, v1028, v2048, v3072, v4096, v5122, v6145, v7172, v8192(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS), v9216, v10240, v11264, v12288, v13312, v14336, v15360
00003203 SAFE_MODE friends (Friends list) v0
20003203 New_3DS SAFE_MODE friends (Friends list) v8193
00003302 IR (Infrared) v0, v1026, v2048, v3072, v4096, v5121, v6148, v7170(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v8192, v9216, v10246, v11265, v12289
00003303 SAFE_MODE IR v0
20003303 New_3DS SAFE_MODE IR v7169
00003402 BOSS (SpotPass) v0, v1024, v2053, v3073, v4101, v5122, v6146, v7169, v8193, v9222, v10240, v11266, v12289, v13314
00003502 News (Notifications) v0, v1028, v2048, v3072, v4097, v5120, v6147, v7168
00003702 RO v0, v1024, v2049, v3074, v4096, v5120(Also for 8.1.0-0_New3DS), v6148
00003802 act (handles Nintendo Network accounts) v1029, v2050, v3077, v4099, v5120(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v6144, v7168, v8198, v9216(New2DSXL), v9216
00004002 Old3DS nfc v2053, v4106, v5121, v6145, v7168, v8192
20004002 New_3DS nfc v0, v1024, v2053, v3073, v4102, v6145, v7168
20004102 New_3DS mvd v0, v1024
20004202 New_3DS qtm v8, v1024, v2052, v3072(New2DSXL)
00008002 NS (Memory-region: "SYSTEM") v0, v1028, v2048, v3077, v4096, v5121, v6148, v7168, v8193, v9216, v10248, v11268, v12291, v13312(8.1.0-0_New3DS), v14336, v15360, v16390, v17408, v18433, v19458, v20482, v21504
00008003 SAFE_MODE NS (Memory-region: "SYSTEM") v0
20008003 New_3DS SAFE_MODE NS (Memory-region: "SYSTEM") v13313

00040138 - System Firmware

System Firmare Notes

NATIVE_FIRM and SAFE_MODE_FIRM for the initial versions are exactly the same, besides core-version fields. SAFE_MODE_FIRM is used for running SAFE_MODE titles, on retail SAFE_MODE_FIRM seems to be only used for running the System Updater application. When a GBA VC title is launched, AGB_FIRM is launched to handle running this title. GBA VC savegames stored under SD card /title/<TID>/data use a custom format, this is handled by AGB_FIRM.

TitleID Low Description USA/EUR/JPN Versions CHN Versions KOR Versions TWN Versions
00000001 Unknown, very similar to SAFE_MODE_FIRM. Exists only on dev units and seems to only be used by SystemUpdaters. v0
00000002 NATIVE_FIRM (Native Firmware) v432, v1472, v2516, v3553, v4595, v5647, v6677, v7712, v8758, v9792, v10833, v11872, v12916, v13956, v15043, v15047, v17120, v18182, v19216, v20262, v21288, v22313, v23341, v24368, v25396, v26432, v27476 Same as USA/EUR/JPN starting with the USA/EUR/JPN 4.0.0-7 title-version Same as CHN. Same as CHN.
20000002 New_3DS NATIVE_FIRM (Native Firmware) v16085, v17120, v18182, v19218, v20262, v21288, v22313, v23341, v24368, v25396, v26432, v27476 N/A Same as CHN. Same as CHN.
00000003 SAFE_MODE_FIRM v432, v5632 Same as USA/EUR/JPN starting with the USA/EUR/JPN 3.0.0-5 title-version Same as CHN. Same as CHN.
20000003 New_3DS SAFE_MODE_FIRM v16081 N/A Same as CHN. Same as CHN.
00000102 TWL_FIRM ( DSi Firmware ) v432, v1489, v2565, v3601, v4625, v5681, v6704, v7762, v8817 Same as USA/EUR/JPN starting with the USA/EUR/JPN 4.0.0-7 title-version Same as CHN. Same as CHN.
20000102 New_3DS TWL_FIRM ( DSi Firmware ) v9936 N/A Same as CHN. Same as CHN.
00000202 AGB_FIRM ( GBA Firmware ) v519, v1553, v2576, v3665 v2576 v2576, v3665 Same as CHN.
20000202 New_3DS AGB_FIRM ( GBA Firmware ) v4816 N/A N/A N/A

Application Titles

Category Bit Mask Content Category Bit Mask(s)
0x0000 Application / eShop Normal
0x0001 Download Play Child DlpChild
0x0002 Demo Demo
0x000E Patch CannotExecution | Patch
0x008C Downloadable Content NotRequireRightForMount | CannotExecution | AddOnContents

00040001 - Download Play Titles

Download Play Notes

This titleID-high/programID-high is used for the titles sent over Download Play. Only one 00040001 Download Play title is installed to NAND /title at a time. There can be a maximum of 255 Download Play child titles per Unique ID, indexed by Title ID Variation. The legal index range: 0x0 - 0xff.

Factory Titles

Factory Titles Notes

This section is for hard-coded titleIDs referenced in codebins on retail. This can include factory/repair titles as well.

TitleID Description Versions
000400000F802A00 Unknown. Appears to be a gamecard title. See also here.

Used during repair, first non-system title listed in playlog from repair.

000400000F802100 Used during repair, second non-system title listed in playlog from repair. ?
000400000F802200 Used during repair, third non-system title listed in playlog from repair. ?
000400000FFFFD00 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF11, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
000400000FFFFC00 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF12, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
000400000FFFFB00 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF13, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
000400000FFFF900 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF14, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
000400000FFFF800 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF15, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
000400000FFFF700 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF16, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
000400000FFFF600 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF17, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
000400000FFFF500 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF18, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
0004003000008900 Used by retail NS for appID 0xF10, but this isn't available on retail CDN. ?
0004013000001902 dmnt, debugger sysmodule. This use devunit-only HIO for devunit<>pc comms. This only exists for development units(launched by NS during startup depending on certain Configuration_Memory fields' values).

This is installed at the factory, then later deleted at the factory on retail units.

0004013000003602 "debugger". This only exist for development units(launched by NS during startup depending on certain Configuration_Memory fields' values). ?
000401300FEF0000 Referenced in eShop Metadata (NS_UID 50010000000584), but does not exist on retail CDN

TWL (DSi) Titles

TWL Title Notes

Bitmask 0x1 for TWL titles denotes a system title (determining whether the title will be updated during a System Update).

It appears to be sufficient, but not necessary, to make the title invisible on the Home Menu.

Bitmask 0x2 for TWL titles may indicate no-execute.

Bitmask 0x4 for TWL titles indicates internal storage.

Bitmask 0x10 for TWL titles is found on developer tools.

Content Category Bit Mask(s) Category Bit Mask
Application (DSiWare) TWL | 0x4 0x8004
System Application TWL | 0x1 | 0x4 0x8005
System Archive TWL | 0x1 | 0x2 | 0x4 | 0x8 0x800F
Developer Tool TWL | 0x1 | 0x4 | 0x10 0x8015

00048005 - System Applications

TitleID Low Region Description Versions Information
42383841(B88A) ALL DS Internet v0, v1025, v2048 DS Internet is the DS-mode application, (also integrated in every online-enabled DS game) and now accessible through System Settings for configuring network settings for DS software.
484E4441(HNDA) ALL Download Play v1024 This Download Play application is the DS-mode Download Play client, launched by the 3DS-mode Download Play application.
484E4443(HNDC) CHN Download Play v1024 See Above Description.
484E444B(HNDK) KOR Download Play v1024 See Above Description.

0004800F - System Data Archives

System Data Archive Notes

New system updates only block DS flash-cards when whitelist is updated, or when TWL_FIRM is updated. The whitelist contains the data used for detecting flash-cards, this is used by TWL_FIRM.

TitleID Low Description Versions
484E4841(HNHA) Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist - v0, v1026, v2048, v3072, v4096, v5120, v6145, v7168, v8192, v9216, v10240, v11264
484E4C41(HNLA) Version Data v0

00048004 - DSiWare Ports

DSiWare Port Notes

Although these have a titleID high separate from DSi and a titleID is stored in the SRLs, the content of these SRLs are identical to DSi. See 3DS DSiWare Titles for a complete list.