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Services are an abstraction of ports and are the commonly used way of inter-process communication outside of the kernel. While handles of regular ports are retrieved from svcConnectToPort, service handles are retrieved through the port srv: ("service manager").

When a service is registered, svcCreatePort is used without a port-name. This means that the port is inaccessible via the port SVCs outside of sm-module. See below for getting a session handle for sending commands to services.

Processes with PID less than or equal to the number of NATIVE_FIRM built-in modules (fs, sm, pm, pxi, ldr) have access to all services. This value is obtained from svcGetSystemInfo. Other processes are limited to access services listed in their service access control list, as passed to SRVPM:RegisterProcess.

Attempting to use GetServiceHandle with a service that the process has access to when that service isn't registered will block until it is registered.

Service Manager Port "srv:"[edit]

Command Header Description
0x00010002 RegisterClient
0x00020000 EnableNotification
0x00030100 RegisterService
0x000400C0 UnregisterService
0x00050100 GetServiceHandle
0x000600C2 RegisterPort
0x000700C0 UnregisterPort
0x00080100 GetPort
0x00090040 Subscribe
0x000A0040 Unsubscribe
0x000B0000 ReceiveNotification
0x000C0080 PublishToSubscriber
0x000D0040 PublishAndGetSubscriber
0x000E00C0 IsServiceRegistered

It appears these "port" commands can be used for transferring arbitrary handles, however GetPort still uses the same service-access-control validation as GetServiceHandle. Despite this fact, it appears that a "port" and a service with the same name can coexist independently.

Service Manager Process-Manager Port/Service "srv:pm"[edit]

Command Header (port), prior to 7.0.0-13 Command Header (service), post 7.0.0-13 Description
0x04010042 0x00010042 PublishToProcess
0x04020040 0x00020040 PublishToAll
0x04030082 0x00030082 RegisterProcess
0x04040040 0x00040040 UnregisterProcess

Prior to to 7.0.0-13, the commands listed for "srv:" were also accessible under this port with the same command-headers. Starting with 7.0.0-13, the "srv:pm" port was changed to a service. With this change, commandIDs for these commands were changed. "srv:pm" was originally vulnerable, this was fixed with 7.0.0-13, see here. Originally any process could use "srv:pm", however starting with 7.0.0-13 only the built-in NATIVE_FIRM sysmodules have access to it. The only system title which uses "srv:pm" is the Process Manager.


ID Published by Subscribed by Description
0x100 Not Needed This indicates that the recipient must terminate.
0x101 PTM NS Signaled on sleep mode entry.
0x102 PTM NS Sleep Mode related?
0x103 PTM NS, CSND, NWM, AC, NIM Fired on sleep mode entry (Kernel state is modified by PTM after publishing this)
0x104 PTM HID This indicates that the system is entering sleep mode. (Kernel state is modified by PTM before publishing this)
0x105 PTM NS, DSP, CSND, GSP, CODEC, CAMERA, HID, QTM, MIC, IR, NWM, FRIENDS, AC, CECD, ACT, NDM, NIM This indicates that the system has exited sleep mode.
0x106 PTM NS, MIC, AC, NEWS, CECD, BOSS Fired after sleep mode exit.
0x107 PTM NWM, CECD, BOSS, NDM, NIM, NEWS Unknown.
0x108 PTM GSP, QTM System is going to Power Down.
0x109 CFG GSP CFG block 0x00050001 has been modified, change LCD brightness/PWM settings
0x10C PM A Regular application has started.
0x110-0x11F PM NS Sent on application exit. See PM launch flags.
0x179 PM PTM, NS All processes other than PTM and NS have terminated.
0x200 NS Signaled just before sleep mode is exited from.
0x202 MCU NS POWER button pressed
0x203 MCU NS POWER button held long
0x204 MCU NS HOME button pressed
0x205 MCU NS HOME button released
0x206 MCU / NWM NWM The physical Wi-Fi slider state changed
0x207 MENU SD card inserted
0x208 MENU Game cartridge inserted
0x209 NS, MENU SD card removed
0x20A NS, MENU Game cartridge removed
0x20B NS, MENU Game cartridge inserted or removed
0x20C MCU PTM Published on a fatal hardware condition, when the MCU WDT triggers, ptm throws fatal error F960D407 in receipt of this
0x20D MCU GSP Charger plugged out.
0x20E MCU GSP Charger plugged in.
0x20F MCU Published by the mcu module when (bitmask & 0x8000) is true (started charging). This bitmask is obtained by reading i2c register 0x10.
0x210 MCU Published by the mcu module when (bitmask & 0x4000) is true (stopped charging). This bitmask is obtained by reading i2c register 0x10.
0x211 PTM Battery very low (5%)
0x212 PTM Battery low (10%)
0x213 NS CODEC, HID, GSP, CAMERA, MIC, NDM, QTM, PTM Shell opened.
0x214 NS CODEC, HID, GSP, CAMERA, MIC, NDM, QTM, PTM. Shell closed.
0x300 AC NDM, MENU Signaled after sleep mode exit and during system boot.
0x301 AC FRIENDS, NDM Signaled just before sleep mode is exited from.
0x303 CECD, NDM Unknown.
0x304 CECD, NDM, SOCKET Unknown