The file/directory lowpath is a text lowpath in the [[Savegames|savegame]] filesystem.
==== FSPXI ====
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Index word
! Description
| 0
| This u8 is always zero?
The file lowpath is a binary lowpath containing the u64 saveid, however the high word of the saveid is always zero. The mounted file is the savegame image.
=== UserSaveDataForCheck Archive Path Data Format ===
=== UserSaveDataForCheck Archive Path Data Format ===
Line 136:
Line 149:
| 1
| 1
| Upper word saveid
| Lower word saveid
| 2
| 2
| Lower word saveid
| Upper word saveid
The file/directory lowpath for this FS archive is a text path in the [[Savegames|savegame]] filesystem.
=== ExtSaveData Archive Path Data Format ===
=== ExtSaveData Archive Path Data Format ===
Line 152:
Line 166:
| 1
| 1
| Upper word saveid
| Lower word saveid
| 2
| 2
| Lower word saveid
| Upper word saveid
For FS, the file/directory lowpath is a text path in the [[extdata]] filesystem. For FSPXI, the file lowpath is a text path relative to the "/extdata/<ExtdataIDHigh>/<ExtdataIDLow>" directory on SD/NAND, for the extdata image to mount.