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== Private ==
== Private ==
"Private" data is stored here:
"Private" 数据保存在这里:
/Nintendo 3DS/Private/<Title ID Low>/
/Nintendo 3DS/Private/<Title ID Low>/
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"Private" data for 3DS Sound/Camera are cleartext.
3DS的Sound/Canera "Private"数据是明文(cleartext)。
Under the camera priv dir is [[phtcache.bin]], this seems to list the pictures on SD card?
camera 私有目录下是 [[phtcache.bin]], 似乎是SD卡上图片的列表?
When you want to install and see pictures with 3DS,rename to 8 numbers.mpo and save it on /DCIM .
Under the sound priv dir is: voice/XX/*.m4a. Where XX is 01-10, with sound saved as .m4a.
(When you want to install and see pictures with 3DS,rename to 8 numbers.mpo and save it on /DCIM .)
Sound目录下是: voice/XX/*.m4a.XX为01-10,保存着名为 .m4a的声音文件。
(Under the sound priv dir is: voice/XX/*.m4a. Where XX is 01-10, with sound saved as .m4a.)