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class KServerSession extends KSynchronizationObject;

Size : 0x24 bytes

Offset Type Description
0x0 u32 Pointer to vtable
0x4 u32 Reference count
0x8 u32 Node count for threads
0xC KLinkedListNode* Pointer to first KLinkedListNode in the list of threads that sync with this object
0x10 KLinkedListNode* Pointer to last KLinkedListNode in the list of threads that sync with this object
0x14 KSession* Pointer to parent session
0x18 KThread* Last stolen KThread during sync request- current thread when KServerSession code is running during svc - noted in KThread+0xA8 as well
0x1C KThread* First stolen KThread during sync request
0x20 KThread* KThread that originated the session