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Index Word Description
Header 0x00140382 Cmd 0x0014 Param 14 Xlat 2
1 u8, Account slot
2-10 ASCII NULL-terminated client ID (max. 32 characters + NULL terminator)
11 Cache duration in seconds
12 bool, do parental controls check (unused)
13 bool, mark this token as non-process specific
14 u32, current (caller) title process ID
15 Descriptor for copying 1 handle
16 Completion event handle


Index Word Description
Header 0x00140040 Cmd 0x0014 Param 1 Xlat 0
1 Result code


Requests an independent service token using the given client ID.

The validity duration specifies for how long the requested token will be cached locally. If a token with the same configuration was found in the cache, and this token was acquired within the past Cache duration seconds, this command will use the cached token instead of requesting a new one. It follows that specifying 0 as the cache duration will force the ACT module to always request a new token.

Setting mark this token as non-process specific to true causes the requested token to be accessible from any process. Otherwise, the requested token will only be accessible to the process that created it (via the process ID).

See Independent Service Tokens for details.