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Index Word Description
Header 0x04060240 Cmd 0x0406 Param 9 Xlat 0
1 u8, Account slot
2 bool, do password check
3-7 ASCII NULL-terminated account password (maximum 17 characters + NULL termination)
8 bool, use NULL password
9 bool, do not save changes(?)


Index Word Description
Header 0x04060040 Cmd 0x0406 Param 1 Xlat 0
1 Result code


Loads the specified account.

If do password check is set to true, the input password will be compared using the internal password hash. If the given password is invalid, or if a password isn't provided (that includes the case of use NULL passwor being true) and the account password cache isn't enabled for this account, error code 0xC8A14F2B is returned.

If use NULL password is set to true, the password passed to the internal handler will be NULL, even if a password was given.

If do not save changes(?) is set to true, all of the code related to password and account slot existence checks is run, but no changes are saved. (maybe a dry run?)