RO Services

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RO service "ldr:ro"[edit]

Command Header Available since system version Description
0x000100C2 2.0.0-2 Initialize
0x00020082 2.0.0-2 LoadCRR
0x00030042 2.0.0-2 UnloadCRR
0x000402C2 2.0.0-2 LoadCRO
0x000500C2 2.0.0-2 UnloadCRO
0x00060042 2.0.0-2 LinkCRO
0x00070042 2.0.0-2 UnlinkCRO
0x00080042 2.0.0-2 Shutdown
0x000902C2 7.2.0-17 LoadCRO_New

The mapadress used in these services is calculated by the user-process like so: when inputaddr is <0x08000000, the address used is the same one from inputaddr. Otherwise, the address is: mapvaddr = inputaddr - (0x08000000 - <main-process .text address + .text, .rodata, .data, and .bss size aligned to pagesize>). This service API is used for CTR "DLLs"/shared libraries: CRO.

Error Codes[edit]

Error Code Description
D9012FF1 Address is misaligned
E0A12FF9 Service is already Initialized
E1612FF7 Provided Kernel Handle is invalid

Version history[edit]

Version Changes
v0 Initial version.
v1024 Removed access for SVC's: 5,7,D,E,10.

Cmd5 now sets the last segment in the CRO binary to R-X when it's done.

Maybe more.

v2049 No changes.
v3074 Added cmd9.
v4096 No changes.
v5120 No actual changes, just a rebuild with latest CTRSDK(only the CTRSDK version values in .code for ErrDisp were updated).