
Revision as of 20:21, 27 January 2017 by AriA99 (talk | contribs) (Remove duplicate "Descriptor")


Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x00550246]
1-6 Title Progress
7-8 Unknown, not written by the system eShop application service command code *at* *all*.
9 Unknown, eShop always writes 0
10 Descriptor for process ID
11 Placeholder for process ID
12 Descriptor for static buffer (id 1)
13 Pointer to the name of the title in UTF-16LE
14 Descriptor for static buffer (id 5)
15 Pointer to the name of the developer of the title in UTF-16LE


Index Word Description
0 Header code
1 Result code


Registers a task for sleep mode downloading. A glowing, wrapped package with the information from input words 13 and 15 will be shown on the Home Menu.