System calls
Note: The argument-lists here apply to the official syscall wrapper-functions that are found in userland processes. The actual ordering passed to the kernel via the SVC instruction is documented in Kernel ABI.
Id | NF ARM11 | NF ARM9 | TF ARM11 | Description | Notes | |
0x01 | Yes | No | No | Result ControlMemory(u32* outaddr, u32 addr0, u32 addr1, u32 size, MemoryOperation operation, MemoryPermission permissions) | Outaddr is usually the same as the input addr0. | |
0x02 | Yes | No | No | Result QueryMemory(MemoryInfo* info, PageInfo* out, u32 Addr) | ||
0x03 | Yes | No | No | void ExitProcess(void) | ||
0x04 | Yes | No | No | Result GetProcessAffinityMask(u8* affinitymask, Handle process, s32 processorcount) | ||
0x05 | Yes | No | No | Result SetProcessAffinityMask(Handle process, u8* affinitymask, s32 processorcount) | ||
0x06 | Yes | No | No | Result GetProcessIdealProcessor(s32 *idealprocessor, Handle process) | ||
0x07 | Yes | No | No | Result SetProcessIdealProcessor(Handle process, s32 idealprocessor) | ||
0x08 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result CreateThread(Handle* thread, func entrypoint, u32 arg, u32 stacktop, s32 threadpriority, s32 processorid) | ||
0x09 | Yes | Yes | Yes | void ExitThread(void) | ||
0x0A | Yes | Yes | Yes | void SleepThread(s64 nanoseconds) | ||
0x0B | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result GetThreadPriority(s32* priority, Handle thread) | ||
0x0C | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result SetThreadPriority(Handle thread, s32 priority) | ||
0x0D | Yes | No | No | Result GetThreadAffinityMask(u8* affinitymask, Handle thread, s32 processorcount) | ||
0x0E | Yes | No | No | Result SetThreadAffinityMask(Handle thread, u8* affinitymask, s32 processorcount) | Replaced with a stub in ARM11 NATIVE_FIRM kernel beginning with 8.0.0-18. | |
0x0F | Yes | No | No | Result GetThreadIdealProcessor(s32* processorid, Handle thread) | ||
0x10 | Yes | No | No | Result SetThreadIdealProcessor(Handle thread, s32 processorid) | Replaced with a stub in ARM11 NATIVE_FIRM kernel beginning with 8.0.0-18. | |
0x11 | Yes | No | No | s32 GetCurrentProcessorNumber(void) | ||
0x12 | Yes | No | No | Result Run(Handle process, StartupInfo* info) | This starts the main() thread. Buf+0 is main-thread priority, Buf+4 is main-thread stack-size. | |
0x13 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result CreateMutex(Handle* mutex, bool initialLocked) | ||
0x14 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result ReleaseMutex(Handle mutex) | ||
0x15 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result CreateSemaphore(Handle* semaphore, s32 initialCount, s32 maxCount) | ||
0x16 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result ReleaseSemaphore(s32* count, Handle semaphore, s32 releaseCount) | ||
0x17 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result CreateEvent(Handle* event, ResetType resettype) | ||
0x18 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result SignalEvent(Handle event) | ||
0x19 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result ClearEvent(Handle event) | ||
0x1A | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result CreateTimer(Handle* timer, ResetType resettype) | ||
0x1B | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result SetTimer(Handle timer, s64 initial_nanoseconds, s64 interval) | ||
0x1C | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result CancelTimer(Handle timer) | ||
0x1D | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result ClearTimer(Handle timer) | ||
0x1E | Yes | No | No | Result CreateMemoryBlock(Handle* memblock, u32 addr, u32 size, MemoryPermission mypermission, MemoryPermission otherpermission) | ||
0x1F | Yes | No | No | Result MapMemoryBlock(Handle memblock, u32 addr, MemoryPermission mypermissions, MemoryPermission otherpermission) | ||
0x20 | Yes | No | No | Result UnmapMemoryBlock(Handle memblock, u32 addr) | ||
0x21 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result CreateAddressArbiter(Handle* arbiter) | ||
0x22 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result ArbitrateAddress(Handle arbiter, u32 addr, ArbitrationType type, s32 value, s64 nanoseconds) | ||
0x23 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result CloseHandle(Handle handle) | ||
0x24 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result WaitSynchronization1(Handle handle, s64 timeout_nanoseconds) | ||
0x25 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result WaitSynchronizationN(s32* out, Handle* handles, s32 handlecount, bool waitAll, s64 timeout_nanoseconds) | ||
0x26 | Yes | No | No | Result SignalAndWait(s32* out, Handle signal, Handle* handles, s32 handleCount, bool waitAll, s64 nanoseconds) | Stubbed | |
0x27 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result DuplicateHandle(Handle* out, Handle original) | ||
0x28 | Yes | Yes | Yes | s64 GetSystemTick(void) (This returns the total CPU ticks elapsed since the CPU was powered-on) | ||
0x29 | Yes | No | No | Result GetHandleInfo(s64* out, Handle handle, HandleInfoType type) | ||
0x2A | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result GetSystemInfo(s64* out, SystemInfoType type, s32 param) | ||
0x2B | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result GetProcessInfo(s64* out, Handle process, ProcessInfoType type) | ||
0x2C | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result GetThreadInfo(s64* out, Handle thread, ThreadInfoType type) | ||
0x2D | Yes | No | No | Result ConnectToPort(Handle* out, const char* portName) | ||
0x2E | Yes | No | No | Result SendSyncRequest1(Handle session) | Stubbed | |
0x2F | Yes | No | No | Result SendSyncRequest2(Handle session) | Stubbed | |
0x30 | Yes | No | No | Result SendSyncRequest3(Handle session) | Stubbed | |
0x31 | Yes | No | No | Result SendSyncRequest4(Handle session) | Stubbed | |
0x32 | Yes | No | No | Result SendSyncRequest(Handle session) | ||
0x33 | Yes | No | No | Result OpenProcess(Handle* process, u32 processId) | ||
0x34 | Yes | No | No | Result OpenThread(Handle* thread, Handle process, u32 threadId) | ||
0x35 | Yes | No | Yes | Result GetProcessId(u32* processId, Handle process) | ||
0x36 | Yes | No | No | Result GetProcessIdOfThread(u32* processId, Handle thread) | ||
0x37 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result GetThreadId(u32* threadId, Handle thread) | ||
0x38 | Yes | No | No | Result GetResourceLimit(Handle* resourceLimit, Handle process) | ||
0x39 | Yes | No | No | Result GetResourceLimitLimitValues(s64* values, Handle resourceLimit, LimitableResource* names, s32 nameCount) | ||
0x3A | Yes | No | No | Result GetResourceLimitCurrentValues(s64* values, Handle resourceLimit, LimitableResource* names, s32 nameCount) | ||
0x3B | Yes | No | No | Result GetThreadContext(ThreadContext* context, Handle thread) | Stubbed | |
0x3C | Yes | Yes | Yes | Break(BreakReason reason)
Break(BreakReason debugReason, u32 debugParameter1, u32 debugParameter2) |
0x3D | Yes | Yes | Yes | OutputDebugString(void const, int) | Does nothing on non-debug units. | |
0x3E | Yes | No | No | ControlPerformanceCounter(unsigned long long, int, unsigned int, unsigned long long) | ||
0x47 | Yes | No | No | Result CreatePort(Handle* portServer, Handle* portClient, const char* name, s16 maxSessions) | Setting name=NULL creates a private port not accessible from svcConnectToPort. | |
0x48 | Yes | No | No | Result CreateSessionToPort(Handle* session, Handle port) | ||
0x49 | Yes | No | No | Result CreateSession(Handle* sessionServer, Handle* sessionClient) | ||
0x4A | Yes | No | No | Result AcceptSession(Handle* session, Handle port) | ||
0x4B | Yes | No | No | Result ReplyAndReceive1(s32* index, Handle* handles, s32 handleCount, Handle replyTarget) | Stubbed. | |
0x4C | Yes | No | No | Result ReplyAndReceive2(s32* index, Handle* handles, s32 handleCount, Handle replyTarget) | Stubbed. | |
0x4D | Yes | No | No | Result ReplyAndReceive3(s32* index, Handle* handles, s32 handleCount, Handle replyTarget) | Stubbed. | |
0x4E | Yes | No | No | Result ReplyAndReceive4(s32* index, Handle* handles, s32 handleCount, Handle replyTarget) | Stubbed. | |
0x4F | Yes | No | No | Result ReplyAndReceive(s32* index, Handle* handles, s32 handleCount, Handle replyTarget) | ||
0x50 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result BindInterrupt(Interrupt name, Handle eventOrSemaphore, s32 priority, bool isLevelHighActive) | ||
0x51 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result UnbindInterrupt(Interrupt name, Handle eventOrSemaphore) | ||
0x52 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result InvalidateProcessDataCache(Handle process, void* addr, u32 size) | ||
0x53 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result StoreProcessDataCache(Handle process, void const* addr, u32 size) | ||
0x54 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result FlushProcessDataCache(Handle process, void const* addr, u32 size) | ||
0x55 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result StartInterProcessDma(Handle* dma, Handle dstProcess, void* dst, Handle srcProcess, const void* src, u32 size, const DmaConfig* config) | ||
0x56 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result StopDma(Handle dma) | ||
0x57 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result GetDmaState(DmaState* state, Handle dma) | ||
0x58 | Yes | Yes | Yes | RestartDma(Handle, void *, void const*, unsigned int, signed char) | ||
0x60 | Yes | No | No | Result DebugActiveProcess(Handle* debug, u32 processID) | ||
0x61 | Yes | No | No | Result BreakDebugProcess(Handle debug) | ||
0x62 | Yes | No | No | Result TerminateDebugProcess(Handle debug) | ||
0x63 | Yes | No | No | Result GetProcessDebugEvent(DebugEventInfo* info, Handle debug) | ||
0x64 | Yes | No | No | Result ContinueDebugEvent(Handle debug, u32 flags) | ||
0x65 | Yes | No | No | Result GetProcessList(s32* processCount, u32* processIds, s32 processIdMaxCount) | ||
0x66 | Yes | No | No | Result GetThreadList(s32* threadCount, u32* threadIds, s32 threadIdMaxCount, Handle domain) | ||
0x67 | Yes | No | No | Result GetDebugThreadContext(ThreadContext* context, Handle debug, u32 threadId, u32 controlFlags) | ||
0x68 | Yes | No | No | Result SetDebugThreadContext(Handle debug, u32 threadId, ThreadContext* context, u32 controlFlags) | ||
0x69 | Yes | No | No | Result QueryDebugProcessMemory(MemoryInfo* blockInfo, PageInfo* pageInfo, Handle process, u32 addr) | ||
0x6A | Yes | No | No | Result ReadProcessMemory(void* buffer, Handle debug, u32 addr, u32 size) | ||
0x6B | Yes | No | No | Result WriteProcessMemory(Handle debug, void const* buffer, u32 addr, u32 size) | ||
0x6C | Yes | No | No | Result SetHardwareBreakPoint(s32 registerId, u32 control, u32 value) | ||
0x6D | Yes | No | No | GetDebugThreadParam(s64* unused, u32* out, Handle kdebug, u32 threadId, DebugThreadParam param) | Disabled on regular kernel. | |
0x70 | Yes | No | No | Result ControlProcessMemory(Handle KProcess, unsigned int Addr0, unsigned int Addr1, unsigned int Size, unsigned int Type, unsigned int Permissions) | ||
0x71 | Yes | No | No | Result MapProcessMemory(Handle KProcess, unsigned int StartAddr, unsigned int EndAddr) | ||
0x72 | Yes | No | No | Result UnmapProcessMemory(Handle KProcess, unsigned int StartAddr, unsigned int EndAddr) | ||
0x73 | Yes | No | No | Result CreateCodeSet(Handle* handle_out, struct CodeSetInfo, u32 code_ptr, u32 ro_ptr, u32 data_ptr) | ||
0x74 | Yes | No | No | Result RandomStub() | Stubbed | |
0x75 | Yes | No | No | Result CreateProcess(Handle* handle_out, Handle codeset_handle, u32 arm11kernelcaps_ptr, u32 arm11kernelcaps_num) | ||
0x76 | Yes | No | No | TerminateProcess(Handle) | ||
0x77 | Yes | No | No | Result SetProcessResourceLimits(Handle KProcess, Handle KResourceLimit) | ||
0x78 | Yes | No | No | Result CreateResourceLimit(Handle *KResourceLimit) | ||
0x79 | Yes | No | No | Result SetResourceLimitValues(Handle res_limit, LimitableResource* resource_type_list, s64* resource_list, u32 count) | ||
0x7A | Yes | No | Yes | AddCodeSegment (unsigned int Addr, unsigned int Size) | Stubbed on NATIVE_FIRM beginning with 2.0.0-2. Used during TWL_FIRM boot. | |
0x7B | Yes | Yes | No | Backdoor(unsigned int CodeAddress) | This is used on ARM9 NATIVE_FIRM.
No ARM11 processes have access to it without some form of kernelhax, and this was removed on 11.0.0-33 (for ARM11). | |
0x7C | Yes | Yes | Yes | KernelSetState(unsigned int Type, ...) | The type determines the args to be passed | |
0x7D | Yes | No | No | Result QueryProcessMemory(MemInfo *Info, unsigned int *Out, Handle KProcess, unsigned int Addr) | ||
0xFF | Yes | Yes | Yes | Result SignalBreakpointDebugEvent(void) | The svcaccesscontrol mask doesn't apply for this SVC. This svc doesn't check the "debug mode enabled" flag either. Does nothing if there is no KDebug object associated to the current process. Stubbed on ARM9 NATIVE_FIRM. |
Note that "stubbed" here means that the SVC only returns an error, as in the following snippet:
Types and structures
enum ResetType
Reset type | Id |
STICKY | 1 |
PULSE | 2 |
Timers/Events may be waited on by a thread using svcWaitSynchronization. Once the timer runs out/the event gets signaled, threads waiting on the respective handles until the timer/event is reset. STICKY timers/events wake up threads until they are explicitly reset by some thread. ONESHOT timers/events will wake up exactly one thread and then are reset automatically. PULSE timers will be reset after waking up one thread too, but will also be started again immediately. It's unknown whether PULSE is a valid reset type for events.
struct StartupInfo
Type | Field |
s32 | Priority |
u32 | Stack size |
s32 | argc |
s16* | argv |
s16* | envp |
enum BreakReason
Break Reason | Value |
PANIC | 0 |
ASSERT | 1 |
USER | 2 |
struct DebugEventInfo
When using svcGetProcessDebugEvent, the kernel fetches the first KEventInfo instance of the process's KDebug. The debug event is handled and parsed into this structure.
Type | Field |
u32 | Event type |
u32 | Thread ID (not used in all events) |
u32 | Flags. Bit0 means that svcContinueDebugEvent needs to be called for this event (except for EXIT PROCESS events, for which you need to call svcContinueDebugEvent even if this bit is clear) |
u8[4] | Remnants of the corresponding flags in KEventInfo, always 0 here |
u32[6] | Event-specific data (see below) |
Event type | Id |
DLL LOAD * | 5 |
DLL UNLOAD * | 6 |
SCHEDULE IN ** | 7 |
SYSCALL IN * | 9 |
SYSCALL OUT * | 10 |
MAP * | 12 |
* Unused
** Referenced but never used in practise
When calling svcDebugActiveProcess, an ATTACH PROCESS debug event is signaled, then ATTACH THREAD for each of its opened threads, then finally ATTACH BREAK.
ATTACH THREAD events are also emitted when a thread is created from an attached process.
Type | Field |
u64 | Program ID |
char[8] | Process name |
u32 | Process ID |
u32 | "Other" flag. Always 0 in available kernel versions |
Type | Field |
u32 | Creator thread ID (0 if attached by svcDebugActiveProcess) |
void * | Thread local storage |
u32 * | Entrypoint = .text load address of the parent process |
A single u32 reason field is used.
Thread exit reasons:
Reason | Id |
(None) | 0 |
Process exit reasons:
Reason | Id |
(None) | 0 |
Type | Field |
u32 | Exception type |
u32 | Exception address |
u32[4] | Type-specific data, see below |
Exception types:
Exception type | Id |
Type | Field |
u32 | Fault information: Fault Address Register (for DATA ABORT and UNALIGNED DATA ACCESS),
attempted SVC ID (for UNDEFINED SYSCALL), otherwise 0 |
Type | Field |
u32 | Stop point type that caused the event: 0 = svc 0xFF, 1 = breakpoint, 2 = watchpoint |
u32 | Fault information: FAR for watchpoints, 0 otherwise |
Type | Field |
u32 | Break reason |
u32[2] | User-provided parameters for debug reasons, or 0 |
User break types:
Reason | Id |
PANIC | 0 |
ASSERT | 1 |
USER | 2 |
Type | Field |
KThread*[nbCores] | Pointers to the current threads at the time svcBreakDebugProcess was called |
Type | Field |
u64 | Clock tick |
u32 | CPU ID (SCHEDULE events) Syscall (SYSCALL events) |
Type | Field |
u32 | String address |
u32 | String size |
MAP event
Type | Field |
u32 | Mapped address |
u32 | Mapped size |
u32 | MemoryPermission |
u32 | MemoryState |
struct ThreadContext
Size: 0xCC bytes
Offset | Type | Description |
0x0 | ThreadContextCpuRegisters | Saved CPU registers (r0-r12, sp, lr, pc, cpsr) |
0x44 | ThreadContextFpuRegisters | Saved FPU registers (d0-d15, fpscr, fpexc) |
The user needs to adjust pc for exceptions that occured while in Thumb mode.
Flags for svcGetDebugThreadContext/svcSetDebugThreadContext:
Bit | Description |
0 | Get/set CPU GPRs (r0-r12) |
1 | Get/set CPU SPRs (sp, lr, pc, cpsr) |
2 | Get/set FPU GPRs (d0-d15) |
3 | Get/set FPU SPRs (fpscr, fpexc) |
When setting CPSR, the following assignment is done: ctx->cpsr = ctx->cpsr & 0x7F0FDFF | userCtx->cpuRegisters.cpsr & 0xF80F0200;
. This is to avoid obvious security issues.
enum DebugThreadParam
Parameter | Id |
typedef Handle
User-visible references to internal objects are represented by 32-bit integers called handles. Handles are only valid in the process they have been created in; hence, they cannot be exchanged between processes directly (the IPC functions provide a mean to copy handles to other processes, though).
There are a number of special-purpose handles, which provide easy access to information on objects in the current process:
Handle | Description |
0xFFFF8000 | Handle to the active thread |
0xFFFF8001 | Handle to the active process |
This is essentially an interface for writing values to the debug-unit (B/W)RP registers. registerId range 0..5 = breakpoints(BRP0-5), 0x100..0x101 = watchpoints(WRP0-1), anything outside of these ranges will result in an error. This is used for both adding and removing/disabling breakpoints/watchpoints, hence the raw control value parameter.
Here the kernel sets bit15 in the DSCR, to enable monitor-mode debugging.
Regardless of whether this is for a BRP, when bit21 is set in the control input parameter(BRP type = contextID), the kernel will load the target process contextID and use that internally for the value field. The target process is specified via a KDebug handle passed as the "value" parameter.
Lastly, the kernel disables the specified (B/W)RP, then writes the value parameter / loaded contextID to the (B/W)VR, then writes the input control value to the (B/W)CR.
The CTRSDK code for using svcStartInterProcessDma will execute svcBreak when svcStartInterProcessDma returns an error(except for certain error value(s)). Therefore on retail, triggering a svcStartInterProcessDma via a system-module which results in an error from svcStartInterProcessDma will result in the system-module terminating.
Interrupt Handling
svcBindInterrupt registers the given event or semaphore corresponding to the handle to the global "interrupt table" for the given interrupt ID. Interrupts 0-14 and 16-31 can never be mapped regardless of the interrupt flags of the process's exheader, and the latter are not checked when mapping interrupt 15. The "is level high active"/"is manual clear" parameter must be false when binding a semaphore handle (otherwise 0xD8E007EE "invalid combination" is returned).
If something was already registered for the given ID, svcBindInterrupt returns error 0xD8E007F0. See KBaseInterruptEvent for more information on what happens on receipt of an interrupt.
Applications hence can wait for specific interrupts to happen by calling WaitSynchronization(N) on the event or semaphore handles.
The set of existing ARM11 interrupts is listed on this page.
DebugActiveProcess is used to attach to a process for debugging. This SVC can only be used when the target process' ARM11 descriptors stored in the exheader have the kernel flag for "Enable debug" set. Otherwise when that flag is clear, the kernel flags for the process using this SVC must have the "Force debug" flag set.
This SVC can only be used when a certain kernel state debug flag is non-zero(it's set to zero for retail).
KernelSetState uses the 6th software-generated interrupt for any operation involving synchronization between cores.
Type | Enabled for the NATIVE_FIRM ARM11 kernel | Enabled for the TWL_FIRM ARM11 kernel | Description |
0 | Yes | No | ArgumentsĀ : u64 firmTitleID (O3DS) or u64 firmTitleID, u32 unknown (N3DS, pm-module uses value 0 with this)
This initializes the programID for launching FIRM, then triggers launching FIRM. With New3DS kernel, it forces the programIDlow to be the New3DS NATIVE_FIRM, when the input programIDlow is for the Old3DS NATIVE_FIRM and Param2==0. On New3DS, the kernel disables the additional New3DS cache hw prior to calling the firmlaunch function from the <handler for the KernelSetState-types called via funcptr>. |
1 | Yes | Yes | Does nothing. |
2 | Yes | Yes | Powers down the GPU and syncs with Process9 (waits for *(vu8 *)PXI_SYNC11 to be 1) during the process.
On New3DS, the kernel disables the additional New3DS cache hw, when it's actually enabled, prior to executing the rest of the code from the <handler for the KernelSetState-types called via funcptr>. |
3 | Yes | No | Arguments: 0, void* address or 1
This used for initializing the 0x1000-byte buffer used by the launched FIRM. When the first parameter is 1, this buffer is copied to the beginning of FCRAM at 0xE0000000. When it is 0, this kernel buffer is mapped to the process address specified by the second argument. |
4 | No | Yes | This unmaps(?) the following virtual memory by writing value physaddr (where physaddr base is 0x80000000) to the L1 MMU table entries: 0x00300000..0x04300000, 0x08000000..0x0FE00000, and 0x10000000..0xF8000000. |
5 | Yes | Yes | Used by kernelpanic. This makes core0 enter a WFI/B infinite loop. Threads that were created on core1 or core2 have their priority set to 0x3F, except if the thread was created on core1 and whose parent process (if any) has the "Runnable on sleep" ARM11 kernel flag set. Core1 threads with a priority of 0x40 without a parent process have their priority set to 0x3E.
Prior to first invoking this handler, if and only if both UNITINFO and 0x1FF80015 are not 0, and if there is no LCD fill set at the time kernelpanic is called, kernelpanic fill the top screen with white (it does the same for the bottom screen if the current process is running under the APPLICATION memregion). Before invoking this handler a second time, kernelpanic wait for the user to hold L+R+Start+Select down. |
6 | Yes | No | Arguments: u32 what, u64 val
0x1FF80015 ("is devmode enabled") needs to be true. If If it is 1, If 2, kernelpanic will be called when svcBreak is used by a non-attached process If 3, this changes the scheduling/preemption mode (when no threads are being preempted, otherwise returns error 0xC8A01414), see KResourceLimit for more details. |
7 | Yes | No | This triggers an MCU (hard) reboot. This reboot is triggered via device address 0x4A on the second I2C bus (the MCU). Register address 0x20 is written to with value 4. This code will not return.
On New3DS, the kernel disables the additional New3DS cache hw prior to calling the reboot function from the <handler for the KernelSetState-types called via funcptr>. |
8 | Yes | No | Alternate FIRM launch code-path, with different PXI FIFO word constants. Usually not used. PTM-sysmodule can use this but it's unknown what exactly triggers that in PTM-sysmodule. |
9 | Yes, implemented at some point after system-version v4.5. | ? | Argumens: u64 unk .
Writes |
10 | Yes | ? | Arguments: u32 config
ConfigureNew3DSCPU. Only available for the New_3DS kernel. The actual code for processing this runs under the <handler for the KernelSetState-types called via funcptr>, which runs on all ARM11 cores. Only bit0-1 of the argument are used here. Bit 0 enables higher core clock, and bit 1 enables additional (L2) cache. This configures the hardware register for the flags listed here, among other code which uses the MPCore private memory region registers. |
SystemInfoType value | s32 param | Description |
0 | 0 | This writes the total used memory size in the following memory regions to out: APPLICATION, SYSTEM, and BASE. |
0 | 1 | This writes the total used memory size in the APPLICATION memory region to out. |
0 | 2 | This writes the total used memory size in the SYSTEM memory region to out. |
0 | 3 | This writes the total used memory size in the BASE memory region to out. |
2 | Unused | This writes the FCRAM memory used by the kernel to out. |
25 | Unused | This writes the total number of threads which were directly launched by the kernel, to out. No longer exists with some kernel version? |
26 | Unused | This writes the total number of processes which were directly launched by the kernel, to out. For the NATIVE_FIRM/SAFE_MODE_FIRM ARM11 kernel, this is normally 5, for processes sm, fs, pm, loader, and pxi. |
R0 = unused R1 = Handle process R2 = ProcessInfoType type
R0 = Result R1 = output value lower word R2 = output value upper word
ProcessInfoType value | Available since system version | Description |
0 | Returns the amount of executable memory allocated to the process + thread context size + page-rounded size of the external handle table | |
1 | Returns the amount of <unknown> memory allocated to the process + thread context size + page-rounded size of the external handle table | |
2 | Returns the amount of DMA-able (code, data, IO pages, etc.) memory allocated to the process + thread context size + page-rounded size of the external handle table | |
3 | Returns the amount of <unknown> memory allocated to the process + thread context size + page-rounded size of the external handle table | |
4 | Returns the amount handles in use by the process. | |
5 | Returns the highest count of handles that have been open at once by the process | |
6 | Returns *(u32*)(KProcess+0x234) which is always 0
| |
7 | Returns 0 | |
8 | Returns the maximum number of threads which can be opened by this process (always 0) | |
9-19 | 8.0.0-18 | This only returns error 0xD8E007ED. |
20 | 8.0.0-18 | low u32 = (0x20000000 - <LINEAR virtual-memory base for this process>). That is, the output value is the value which can be added to LINEAR memory vaddrs for converting to physical-memory addrs. |
21 | 8.0.0-18. N3DS only. | Returns the maximum amount of VRAM memory allocatable by the process: 0x800000 bytes if the process has already allocated VRAM memory, otherwise 0 (+ error 0xE0E01BF4) |
22 | 8.0.0-18. N3DS only. | Returns the address of the first chunk of VRAM allocated by this process |
23 | 8.0.0-18. N3DS only. | Returns the amount of VRAM allocated by this process (?) |
HandleInfoType value | Description |
0 | This returns the time in ticks the KProcess referenced by the handle was created. If a KProcess handle was not given, it will write whatever was in r5, r6 when the svc was called. |
1 | Get internal refcount-1 for kernel object (u32), and also a boolean if the refcount-1 is negative (u32). |
0x32107 | Returns (u64) 0. |
svc7B Backdoor
This saves SVC-mode SP+LR on the user-mode stack, then sets the SVC-mode SP to the user-mode SP. This then calls the specified code in SVC-mode. Once the called code returns, this pops the saved SP+LR off the stack for restoring the SVC-mode SP, then returns from the svc7b handler. Note that this svc7b handler does not disable IRQs, if any IRQs/context-switches occur while the SVC-mode SP is set to the user-mode one here, the ARM11-kernel will crash(which hangs the whole ARM11-side system).
Kernel error-codes
See Error codes.
Error-code value | Description |
0x09401BFE | Timeout occurred with svcWaitSynchronization*, when timeout is not ~0. |
0xC8601801 | No more unused/free synchronization objects left to use in a given object's linked list. (KEvent, KMutex, KTimer, KSemaphore, KAddressArbiter, KThread) |
0xC8601802 | No more unused/free KSharedMemory objects left to use in the KSharedMemory linked list - out of blocks |
0xC8601809 | No more unused/free KSessions left to use in the KSession linked list - out of sessions |
0xC860180A | Not enough free memory available for memory allocation. |
0xC920181A | The session was closed by the other process.. |
0xD0401834 | Max connections to port have been exceeded |
0xD8609013 | Unknown, probably reslimit related? |
0xD88007FA | Returned if no KObjectName object in the linked list of such objects matches the port name provided to the svc. |
0xD8E007ED | This indicates that a value is outside of the enum being used. |
0xD8E007F1 | This error indicates Misaligned address. |
0xD8E007F7 | This error indicates that the input handle used with the SVC does not exist in the process handle-table, or that the handle kernel object type does not match the type used by the SVC. |
0xD9000402 | Invalid memory permissions for input/output buffers, for svcStartInterProcessDma. |
0xD9001814 | Failed unprivileged load or store - wrong permissions on memory |
0xD9001BF7 | This error is returned when the kernel retrieves a pointer to a kernel object, but the object type doesn't match the desired one. |
0xD92007EA | This error is returned when a process attempts to use svcCreateMemoryBlock when the process memorytype is the application memorytype, and when addr=0. |
0xE0E01BF5 | This indicates an invalid address was used. |
0xF8C007F4 | Invalid type/param0-param3 input for svcKernelSetState. This is also returned for those syscalls marked as stubs. |