Process Services

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PS service "ps:ps"[edit]

Command Header Available since system version Description
0x00010244 1.0.0-0 SignRsaSha256
0x00020244 1.0.0-0 VerifyRsaSha256
Not implemented SetAesKey (just returns error 0xD8C107F4)
0x00040204 1.0.0-0 EncryptDecryptAes
0x00050284 1.0.0-0 EncryptSignDecryptVerifyAesCcm
0x00060040 1.0.0-0 GetRomId (u32 processID)
0x00070040 1.0.0-0 GetRomId2 (u32 processID)
0x00080040 1.0.0-0 GetRomMakerCode (u32 processID)
0x00090000 1.0.0-0 GetCTRCardAutoStartupBit
0x000A0000 1.0.0-0 GetLocalFriendCodeSeed
0x000B0000 1.0.0-0 GetDeviceId
0x000C0000 1.0.0-0 SeedRNG
0x000D0042 1.0.0-0 GenerateRandomBytes
0x000E0082 New3DS = 8.1.0-0_New3DS, Old3DS = 9.0.0-20 Interface for Process_Services_PXI New3DS command 0x04010084.
0x000F0082 New3DS = 8.1.0-0_New3DS, Old3DS = 9.0.0-20 Interface for Process_Services_PXI New3DS command 0x04020082.
0x00100042 New3DS = 8.1.0-0_New3DS, Old3DS = 9.0.0-20 Interface for Process_Services_PXI New3DS command 0x04030044.
0x00110042 New3DS = 8.1.0-0_New3DS, Old3DS = 9.0.0-20 Interface for Process_Services_PXI New3DS command 0x04040044.

These commands are an interface for Process_Services_PXI.

For GetRomId, GetRomId2, and GetRomMakerCode, PS-module uses FS:GetProgramLaunchInfo with the processID which was sent to PS-module via the command input. If GetProgramLaunchInfo fails, PS-module returns error 0xC90107FA. When the mediatype is value2 for gamecard, the PSPXI command is used, otherwise PS-module just clears the output data for the command response.

PS module does not use any CheckNew3DS commands: commands 0x000E0082..0x00110042 are handled by PS module regardless of whether this is running on Old3DS/New3DS. Using these commands on Old3DS will result in Process9 returning an invalid command header error. NFC module uses all of these new commands for New3DS.