NWM Services

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These NWM services are used for local-WLAN communications, NWM module handles regular wifi APs as well. These services are used for creating/connecting to networks, and for sending/receiving data over the network etc. NWM module uses the wifi SDIO hardware via the IO registers for this.

NWM local-WLAN service "nwm::UDS"

Command Header Available since system version Description
0x000F0404 RecvBeaconBroadcastData
0x001400C0 RecvBroadcastDataFrame
0x001B0302 Initialize
0x001D0044 BeginHostingNetwork
0x001E0084 ConnectToNetwork
0x001F0006 Unknown, >2.0.0-2 DecryptBeaconData

NWM infrastructure service "nwm::INF"

Command Header Description
0x00070742 ConnectToAP

NWM socket service "nwm::SOC"

NWM service "nwm::SAP"

NWM local-WLAN StreetPass service "nwm::CEC"

NWM service "nwm::EXT"

NWM service "nwm::TST"


UDS is used for 3DS<>3DS local-WLAN communications, and for 3DS<>Wii U communications. The latter is mainly only used for multi-player in games.

All UDS local-WLAN communications have the CCMP key for data encryption generated via NWM module. The CCMP key passed to nwm::CEC commands(stored in a 0x44-byte input structure) for StreetPass is generated by the CECD module. The input data used with EncryptDecryptAes with keytype1 is a MD5 hash over an input passphrase. This input passphrase is fixed for Download Play, it's unique per local-WLAN protocol. The CTR is a MD5 hash over the below 0x10-byte structure. The output from encrypting that data with AES-CTR is the final CCMP key.

Structure used for generating the CTR for CCMP key generation

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Local-WLAN communication ID, normally this is: (user_process uniqueID << 8) | val. Where val is 0x10 on retail(configmem UNITINFO bit0 set), 0x90 for devunit. For Download Play, this is always 0x2810 on retail(0x2890 on devunit).
0x4 0x4 u32 networkID, randomly-generated when creating the network. The network SSID used when a client connects to the network is sprintf(out, "%08X", networkID).
0x8 0x6 Host MAC address.
0xE 0x2 ID, for Download Play this is 0x55.

This data is stored as little-endian.

CTR used for beacon tags crypto

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x6 Host MAC address
0x6 0x4 wlancommID
0xA 0x1 This ID is also stored at offset 0xE in the CTR-generation structure.
0xB 0x1 Padding, value zero.
0xC 0x4 This is the u32 from offset 0x18 in the network-struct.

This data is stored as little-endian. All data here is all-zero except for the MAC address, when the u8 at offset 0x8 in the network-struct is 0.

Network structure

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x6 This is the MAC address of the host. This is all-zero on the host, like with NWMUDS:BeginHostingNetwork.
0xC 0x3 This is the OUI value for use with the beacon tags. Normally this is 001F32.
0xF 0x1 OUI type (21/0x15)
0x10 0x4 wlancommID
0x14 0x1 This ID is also stored at offset 0xE in the CTR-generation structure.
0x1C 0x1 ?
0x1D 0x1 ?
0x1E 0x1 ?
0x1F 0x1 ?
0x3F 0x1 Size of additional data. Normally zero.
0x40 0xC8 Additional data, if any. Size of the additional data is specified via the u8 at offset 0x3F. This data is not used when the size-field is zero.

This 0x108-byte structure is used for NWMUDS:BeginHostingNetwork, NWMUDS:ConnectToNetwork, etc. This data is stored as big-endian.

UDS Beacons

The UDS host broadcasts a beacon containing at least two Nintendo-vendor tags(tag number 0xDD, see above for the OUI), normally the data stored in these tags are static. The second tag contains the big-endian u32 networkID, used by the clients when connecting to the host and for the above CCMP key generation. The Nintendo-vendor tag(s) following the first two are unique to the process using UDS, these tags are used for broadcasting metadata regarding the host.

UDS Beacon Tags

The following is the structure of each tag, starting at the OUI. The order of the tags is the same as listed below.

OUI Type 20

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x3 OUI, see above.
0x3 0x1 OUI type (20/0x14)
0x4 0x3 Sample data: 0a 00 00

Normally the size of this tag(from the tag size field) is 0x07.

OUI Type 21

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1F This is the network structure starting at offset 0xC, with the first 0x1F-bytes from there.
0x1F 0x14 SHA1 hash. When doing the hashing, this hash is cleared to zero. The hash data starts at offset 0x0(OUI), and the size is 0x34 + <value of the u8 at offset 0x33>.
0x33 0x1 Size of additional data. Normally zero. When non-zero this additional data is located at offset 0x34.

Normally the size of this tag(from the tag size field) is 0x34.

OUI Type 24

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x3 OUI, see above.
0x3 0x1 OUI type (24/0x18)
0x4 See below Encrypted data

This is the tag0 used with NWMUDS:DecryptBeaconData. The size of data stored under this tag has a maximum size of 0xFA-bytes, however normally the size is smaller than that. Additional encrypted data, if any, is stored under the below tag1.

OUI Type 25

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x3 OUI, see above.
0x3 0x1 OUI type (25/0x19)
0x4 See above Encrypted data

When this exists in the beacon, this is the tag1 used with NWMUDS:DecryptBeaconData. The data stored here is the 0xFA-bytes following the previous encrypted data in tag0, for more space for storing the encrypted data.