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Revision as of 05:19, 22 November 2015 by Steveice10 (talk | contribs)
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Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x004D0080]
1 AppID / Program ID Low
2 Flags


Index Word Description
0 Header code
1 Result code
2 u16, Title Version (from AMNet:ListTitles, only returns version & 0xFC00 as of the NS title-version for 9.3.0-X)


Bit Mask Description
0x1 When set, this enables using AMNet:ListTitles with MediaType = NAND.
0x2 When set, this enables using AMNet:ListTitles with MediaType = SD.
0x4 When set, this enables using AMNet:ListTitles with MediaType = gamecard.
0x10 When set, the Program ID is determined via the input AppID. When clear, Program ID Low = input cmdword[1], with the Program ID High determined by the following bit masks.
0x20 This bit mask must be set when bit mask 0x10 is not set, otherwise an error is returned.
0x100 This is used when bit mask 0x10 is clear and bit mask 0x20 is set. When this is clear, Program ID High = 0x00040000, otherwise Program ID High = 0x00040010.


This returns the title-version for the specified applet/application. NS will attempt to use AMNet:ListTitles for each MediaType when the bit mask for the MediaType is enabled, in the following order: NAND, SD, and Gamecard.