IR Services
IR Service "ir:u"
Command Header | Description |
0x00010000 | Initialize |
0x00020000 | Shutdown |
0x00030042 | StartSendTransfer |
0x00040000 | WaitSendTransfer |
0x000500C2 | StartRecvTransfer |
0x00060000 | WaitRecvTransfer |
0x00070000 | GetRecvTransferCount |
0x00080000 | GetSendState |
0x00090040 | SetBitRate |
0x000A0000 | GetBitRate |
0x000B0040 | SetIRLEDState |
0x000C0000 | GetIRLEDRecvState |
0x000D0000 | GetSendFinishedEvent |
0x000E0000 | GetRecvFinishedEvent |
0x000F0000 | GetTransferState |
0x00100000 | GetErrorStatus |
0x00110040 | SetSleepModeActive |
0x00120040 | SetSleepModeState |
IR Service "ir:USER"
Command Header | Available since system version | Description |
0x00010182 | InitializeIrnop | |
0x00020000 | FinalizeIrnop | |
0x00030000 | ClearReceiveBuffer | |
0x00040000 | ClearSendBuffer | |
0x00050000 | WaitConnection | |
0x00060000 | RequireConnection | |
0x00070000 | AutoConnection | |
0x00080000 | AnyConnection | |
0x00090000 | Disconnect | |
0x000A0000 | GetReceiveEvent | |
0x000B0000 | GetSendEvent | |
0x000C0000 | GetConnectionStatusEvent | |
0x000D0000 | SendIrnop | |
0x000E0000 | SendIrnopLarge | |
0x000F0000 | ReceiveIrnop | |
0x00100000 | ReceiveIrnopLarge | |
0x00110000 | GetLatestReceiveErrorResult | |
0x00120000 | GetLatestSendErrorResult | |
0x00130000 | GetConnectionStatus | |
0x00140000 | GetTryingToConnectStatus | |
0x00150000 | GetReceiveSizeFreeAndUsed | |
0x00160000 | GetSendSizeFreeAndUsed | |
0x00170000 | Unknown, >2.0.0-2 | GetConnectionRole |
0x00180000 | Unknown, >2.0.0-2 | InitializeIrnopShared |
0x00190000 | Unknown, >2.0.0-2 | ReleaseReceivedData |
0x001A0000 | Unknown, >2.0.0-2 | SetOwnMachineId |
IR Service "ir:rst"
Command Header | Description |
0x00010000 | GetHandles |
0x00020080 | Initialize |
0x00030000 | Shutdown |
0x00040000 | This writes an unknown u8 to index-word cmdreply[2], from data loaded from an I2C device register. |
0x00050000 | This writes an unknown u8 from IR-module state to index-word cmdreply[2]. |
0x00060000 | This writes two unknown u8 fields from IR-module state to index-word cmdreply[2] and cmdreply[3]. |
This service was added with 8.0.0-18. Unlike the other IR services, this uses I2C deviceid 17(this deviceid isn't actually handled by the 8.0.0-18 I2C module). Therefore, this is probably for the new IR LED for the New 3DS. Even with 9.0.0-20 IR module still registers+handles this service on both Old3DS+New3DS.
IR Services
Only one session(two sessions starting with 8.0.0-18) to any of these services can be open at a time, thus only one/two process(es) can use any of these services at once. These services interface with hardware services gpio::IR and i2c::IR. The i2c::IR service is used for sending/receiving data.
IRU is for regular IR comms. IRUSER uses a custom IR protocol(above the physical layer). Both of these services use IrDA-SIR. The IR hardware seems to only support IrDA-SIR, other physical protocols such as the one for TV-remotes are not supported(going by the datasheet linked here for a different IC at least).
The protocol used with IRUSER involves encryption implemented in software. IRUSER is used for the Circle Pad Pro.