The above title directories contain two dirs: content and data. content contains 00000000.tmd, .app files, and some cmd dir containing 00000001.cmd, all of which are encrypted with a console-unique key. The data dir contains 00000001.sav, this is the title's encrypted savegame. Although these saves look similar to FLASH savegames, these savegames use proper unique CTR for each AES block in the file, and the CTR properly changes for each savegame write. | The above title directories contain two dirs: content and data. content contains 00000000.tmd, .app files, and some cmd dir containing 00000001.cmd, all of which are encrypted with a console-unique key. The data dir contains 00000001.sav, this is the title's encrypted savegame. Although these saves look similar to FLASH savegames, these savegames use proper unique CTR for each AES block in the file, and the CTR properly changes for each savegame write. |