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All gamecard and SD savegames are encrypted with AES-CTR. The base CTR for gamecard savegames is all-zero. The gamecard savegame [[AES|keyslot]] keyY is unique for every region of each game. The [[NCSD]] partition flags determine the method used to generate this keyY. When the save [[NCSD]] flags checked by the running NATIVE_FIRM are all-zero, the system will use the repeating CTR, otherwise a proper CTR which never repeats within the image is used. When all of the flags checked by the running NATIVE_FIRM are clear, the keyY is a 8-byte block decrypted from the main [[NCCH#CXI|CXI]] + two u32 IDs read from gamecard commands.
All gamecard and SD savegames are encrypted with AES-CTR. The base CTR for gamecard savegames is all-zero. The gamecard savegame [[AES|keyslot]] keyY is unique for every region of each game. The [[NCSD]] partition flags determine the method used to generate this keyY. When the save [[NCSD]] flags checked by the running NATIVE_FIRM are all-zero, the system will use the repeating CTR, otherwise a proper CTR which never repeats within the image is used. When all of the flags checked by the running NATIVE_FIRM are clear, the keyY is a 8-byte block decrypted from the main [[NCCH#CXI|CXI]] + two u32 IDs read from gamecard commands.
===== [[2.2.0-4]] Savegame Encryption =====
===== Hashed keyY and [[2.2.0-4]] Savegame Encryption =====
When certain [[NCSD]] partition flags are set, a SHA-256 hash is calculated over the data from the CXI(same data used with the original plain keyY), and the 0x40-bytes read from a gamecard command(this 0x40-byte data is also read by [[Process_Services_PXI|GetRomId]]). The first 0x10-bytes from this hash is used for the keyY. When flag[7] is set(normally this is the only save flag set for [[2.2.0-4]] save encryption), the CTR will never repeat within the save image, unlike the original CTR-method. All games which had the retail NCSD image finalized after the [[2.2.0-4]] update(and contain [[2.2.0-4]]+ in the [[System Update CFA|System update partition]]), use this encryption method.
When certain [[NCSD]] partition flags are set, a SHA-256 hash is calculated over the data from the CXI(same data used with the original plain keyY), and the 0x40-bytes read from a gamecard command(this 0x40-byte data is also read by [[Process_Services_PXI|GetRomId]]). The first 0x10-bytes from this hash is used for the keyY. When flag[7] is set, the CTR will never repeat within the save image, unlike the original CTR-method. All games which had the retail NCSD image finalized after the [[2.2.0-4]] update(and contain [[2.2.0-4]]+ in the [[System Update CFA|System update partition]]), use this encryption method.
This keyY generation method was supported via NCSD partition flag[3] before [[2.2.0-4]], however the proper CTR wasn't implemented until [[2.2.0-4]].
This keyY generation method implemented with [[2.0.0-2]] via NCSD partition flag[3], however the proper CTR wasn't implemented for flag[7] until [[2.2.0-4]].
===== [[6.0.0-11]] Savegame keyY =====
===== [[6.0.0-11]] Savegame keyY =====