NS then copies the data at inbuf+blocksize+noncesize to outbuf+blocksize, with size inputbuffersize-blocksize-noncesize. NS then uses [[PS:EncryptSignDecryptVerifyAesCcm]] with keytype2 and with the above nonce buffer, where the input/output buffer ptrs are outbuf+noncesize, with size blocksize+(inputbuffersize-blocksize-noncesize). NS then copies the the nonce from the nonce-buffer with the noncesize, to outbuf+0. | NS then copies the data at inbuf+blocksize+noncesize to outbuf+blocksize, with size inputbuffersize-blocksize-noncesize. NS then uses [[PS:EncryptSignDecryptVerifyAesCcm]] with keytype2 and with the above nonce buffer, where the input/output buffer ptrs are outbuf+noncesize, with size blocksize+(inputbuffersize-blocksize-noncesize). NS then copies the the nonce from the nonce-buffer with the noncesize, to outbuf+0. |