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This system process handles displaying the error screens, such as "An error has occurred, the system needs shutdown". This can also display a register dump for exceptions, and info for fatal errors. (Normally the black-screen errors are displayed on retail, while the latter is displayed on dev units.)
This system process handles displaying the error screens, such as "An error has occurred, the system needs shutdown". This can also display a register dump for exceptions, and info for fatal errors. (Normally the black-screen errors are displayed on retail, while the latter is displayed on dev units.)
The register dump/fatal error info can also be written to [[nandrw/sys/native.log]]. The retail ARM11 kernel does not notify err:f that any user-land exceptions occurred, this is likely only enabled for the dev/debug ARM11 kernel. Therefore, on retail native.log only contains info from fatal errors.
The register dump/fatal error info can also be written to [[nandrw/sys/native.log]]. On retail the system does not notify ErrDisp that any user-land exceptions occurred, ErrDisp is only notified for this on dev/debug units. Therefore, on retail native.log only contains info from fatal errors.
The bottom screen displays the error screen like "error has occurred", even with a development 3DS. The top screen can display the development error info, this is only displayed when [[Configuration_Memory|UNITINFO]] bit0 is clear, for a development 3DS.
The bottom screen displays the error screen like "error has occurred", even with a development 3DS. The top screen can display the development error info, this is only displayed when [[Configuration_Memory|UNITINFO]] bit0 is clear, for a development 3DS.
ErrDisp handles "returning" to Home Menu via [[NSS:RebootSystem]], which triggers a hardware system reboot.
= ErrDisp error port "err:f" =
= ErrDisp error port "err:f" =
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| 0x00010800
| 0x00010800
| ThrowFatalErr
| ThrowFatalError
| 0x00020042
| Stubbed