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'''Nintendo Zone''' 是 DS Download Stations 的延续,提供发售游戏的独家内容,游戏视频,截图等等。2012年2月6日之前,已经可以从这里下载demo游戏,demo游戏可以从eshop的服务器下载并安装到SD卡中。Nintendo Zone提供的试玩版与eshop相同,尝试下载其他锁区的应用时会出现错误。美国百思买和其他一些零售商拥有Nintendo Zone,它们看起来与 DS(i) [ NZone]不同。百思买那里可以访问到的大部分Nintendo Zone内容是eshop已有的。

就像DSi一样,当你打开3DS时,主机会检查是否有隐藏的NZone(在美国NZone总是可用的),NZone 的 title 会提示发现了Nzone。DSi的title存储在NAND中,但是只在Nzone的覆盖范围时title才可见(即使拔掉SD卡也没关系)。3DS只有未连接互联网时,才会检查是否处于NZone覆盖范围。连接过一个NZone AP后, 标志就被缓存了,直到与AP断开连接。

修改DSi nzone广播的信标为3DS Best Buy ApNum后, DSi launcher中NZone的title图标不会闪烁,但是这个title仍然处于半工状态(semi-work)。 NZone title可以连接到服务器, 显示出demo按钮,百思买,WFC配置, 但是选择百思买服务并加载一段时间后,NZone会显示一个错误。(可能有不支持的HTML标签之类的东西)

* '''Nintendo Zone'''和"'nzone'" 暂译为"'任天堂乐园'"或者“‘天堂乐园’”。但是为了便于查阅,文中均未作翻译。

== 概述 ==
NZone浏览界面看起来和3DS网络浏览器很相似,所以它可能由浏览器修改而来。(从视频支持,移动芯片推断)除去明文部分的未知变化,Nzone的信标加密方式与先前相同。3DS仅在信标正确才会检测并设置NZone /w NZone 图标闪烁/可用的状态。DSi不检查这些。3DS可用使用DS(i) NZone,但是只能在NZone的title允许时才行。有DS(i)信标时,3DS能连接到互联网而NZone图标不闪烁。NZone title载入之后也能工作,但是由于向服务器发送了与DSi不同的URL请求,所以会返回错误。

=== Beacon payload format ===
这些应该是DS(i) NZone format except for the unknown fields, (WPA2不支持)。3DS NZone不像DS(i)一样有锁区。

{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! 偏移
! 大小
! 描述
| 0x00
| 32
| 0x20
| 10
| 请求连接到服务器的ApNum。这取决于你在使用哪个NZone。 Apnum的结构: RSSCCTTLLL. R是区域代码, SS是ServiceID. CC是国家代码(两个字母),TT是省/州代码(两个字母), LLL是locationID。 区域代码: 0)日本 1)美国 2/3)欧洲 4)韩国 5)中国. LLL在日本以外的地区均为0, 在日本境内就取决于具体的NZone热点了。TT仅在日本使用,其他地区为0
| 0x2a
| 2
| This u16 was always one in all dumps, unknown what this is. This isn't used by the client.
| 0x2c
| 24
| Some UTF-16 ServiceName. "BestBuy"
| 0x44
| 32
| AP crypto key, if any.
| 0x64
| 1
| Unknown, not used by the DS(i) client. For 3DS this is 0x1, for DS(i) this is 0x0.
| 0x65
| 1
| AP crypto key type: 0) Open 1) WEP-64 2) WEP-128 3) WEP-152
| 0x66
| 1
| Unknown flags, for 3DS this is 0x1e, for DS(i) this is 0x3. Bits 0 and 1 don't seem to be used by the client. The DS(i) client uses bit2 unknown what for though.
| 0x67
| 5
| Padding.
| 0x6c
| 2
| Unknown, with 3DS this is zero but for DS(i) this was 0x428.
| 0x6e
| 2
| CRC16 over the whole payload excluding CRC offset, initval is 0.

== Wi-Fi Hotspots ==

=== Hotspot.conf format ===
The list of NZone hotspots is loaded from "conf:/hotspot.conf" by the AC system applet, where "conf:" is the 000400DB00010502 content archive. This is a CSV file, with LF-style newlines. All of the information stored in the NZone beacon is also stored in this file for each hotspot. This file can list a max of 100 hotspots.(As of title version v1024, hotspot.conf lists 52 hotspots) This format can be parsed by [ hotspotconf-tool].

Beginning the CSV file is the Interval record and field. Following that is the hotspot records on one line, and the fields for each hotspot on individual lines. Some fields are Base64-encoded, for those the Base64 padding character '*' is used instead of '='.

IsBrowser, IsShop, and IsGame might determine whether the [[Internet Browser]], [[eShop]], and games' online multi-player may be used. IsSetToFW is normally 0.

==== Records ====
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Record name
! Field max len
! Field data
| Interval
| Arbitrary
| Decimal interval, unknown (usually 20)
| ServiceName
| 0x40 (after decode)
| Hotspot Base64-encoded ASCII ServiceName
| Url
| 0x80 (after decode)
| Hotspot Base64-encoded URL (usually unused, optionally links to the retailer's website)
| Ssid
| 32 (after decode)
| Hotspot Base64-encoded SSID
| SecurityKey
| 0x40 (after decode)
| Hotspot Base64-encoded encryption key
| SecurityMode
| 1
| Decimal hotspot encryption type (0 for none)
| ApNum
| 10
| Hotspot ApNum, see above NZone beacon info
| IsVendorIE
| 1
| Decimal hotspot flag, can be either 1 or 0
| IsBackground
| 1
| Decimal hotspot flag, can be either 1 or 0
| IsBrowser
| 1
| Decimal hotspot flag, can be either 1 or 0
| IsShop
| 1
| Decimal hotspot flag, can be either 1 or 0
| IsGame
| 1
| Decimal hotspot flag, can be either 1 or 0
| IsSetToFW
| 1
| Decimal hotspot flag, can be either 1 or 0

=== Hotspots ===
Hotspots not listed in hotspot.conf can only be used via NZone beacons. The below flags is the combined "IsXXX" fields from hotspot.conf, excluding IsSetToFW. The below hotspot.conf version specifies what title version that hotspot was added to the list, if at all.("None" indicates that it's not listed in hotspot.conf at all and can only be used with NZone beacons. "Unknown" indicates that the hotspot is present in v1024, but it's unknown whether it was in the previous version.)
{| class="wikitable"
! SSID !! Security !! Region/country || ServiceName !! Flags !! Hotspot.conf version
| wifine || None || JPN || [ Wifine] || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| NintendoSpotPass1 || None || EUR || Nintendo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| NintendoSpotPass2 || None || EUR || Nintendo || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| attwifi || None || USA || AT&T || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| SIMON WiFi || None || USA || Simon Malls || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| noasp01 || None || USA || NOA (Nintendo events) || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| noasp02 || None || USA || NOA (Nintendo events) || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| Telekom || None || EUR (Germany) || Telekom || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| Telekom_ICE || None || EUR (Germany) || Telekom || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| Guglielmo || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| ASTRO || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| Banca Sella WiFi Clienti || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| confindustria || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| Grand || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| Guglielmo Rimini WiFi || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| GuglielmoDallaRosaPrati || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| Hotels || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| L.Bettolo || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| LecceWireless || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| P.zza Nicoloso || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| PortoDiTrieste || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| Comune-Na Piazze WIFI || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| WiFi_Stampa || None || IT || Guglielmo || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| KPN || None || EUR (NL) || KPN || 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| MCDONALDS || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| AREA_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| PATaPAIN_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| CASINO_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| all_seasons_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| ADAGIO_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| PULLMAN_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| Best_Western_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| CreditAgricole_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| IBIS_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| MERCURE_by_METEOR || None || FR || Meteor || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| Telefonica || None || ES || Telefonica || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| GOWEXWiFi || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| OurenseWiFi || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| RED_LIBRE_AVILES_WILOC || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| GIJON WIFI || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| 01MIERESWIFI || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| 01EibarWifi || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| WIFIBUR || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| ValladolidWiFi || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| 01PuertoDelRosarioWiFi || None || ES || Gowex || 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 || Unknown
| PT-WIFI || None || PT || PTWiFi || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| FON_ZON_FREE_INTERNET || None || PT || ZON || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| [ WiFi Zone - The Cloud] || None || EUR (GB) || [ The Cloud] || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| [ Mycloud] || None || EUR (GB) || [ The Cloud] || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| [ WLAN Zone - The Cloud] || None || EUR (GB) || [ The Cloud] || 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 || Unknown
| [ _The Cloud] || None || EUR (GB) || [ The Cloud] || ? || After v1024
| FREESPOT || None || JPN || FREESPOT || 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 || Unknown
| [ 7SPOT] || None || JPN || 7-11 || ? || None (LAN-only hostname used)
| [ TSUTAYA] || None || JPN || TSUTAYA || ? || Unknown
| noasp03 || None || USA || NOA (Nintendo event at GDC) || ? || None
| Wayport_Access || None || USA || McDonalds || ? || After v1024
| BestBuy || None || USA || BestBuy || ? || None
| Boingo Hotspot || None || USA || Boingo || ? || Unknown
| ibahn || None || USA || iBAHN || ? || Unknown
| BELLWIFI@MCDONALDS || None || USA (Canada) || Bell || ? || After v1024
| [] || None || EUR || || ? || After v1024

* These can be configured on you own router/laptop/phone to identify as a Nintendo Zone.
* You will need an available Internet connection to be able to connect to the servers.
* After connecting the Wi-Fi network, the page displayed will be of the device's region. (Some regions, such as Australia, will not be redirected to a local Nintendo Zone page as there are no plans to introduce Nintendo Zone(s) to that region. If a 3DS has its region set to one of these regions where there are no plans to introduce a Nintendo Zone, they will be brought to the Nintendo Zone of the region of the SSID)
* If you intend to create a permanent, private, Nintendo Zone WiFi spot. It is recommended that you enable MAC address filtering to only allow your devices. As using any form of encryption will prevent the Nintendo Zone WiFi spot from working with your 3DS.


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