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All UUIDs generated by the service are [ RFC9562 Version 1 UUIDs].
All UUIDs generated by the service are [ RFC9562 Version 1 UUIDs].
= Independent Service Tokens =
In addition to NEX tokens for gameserver authentication in combination with Nintendo Network, app developers have the ability to use their own independent services. For authenticating with such services through Nintendo Network, the service's client ID is used to request a token from the account server.
== Independent Service Token Verions ==
There are two versions of independent service tokens.
=== V1 Independent Service Token ===
These are more basic, consisting of only a base64 token. These can be requested and cached using [[ACTU:AcquireIndependentServiceToken]], retrieved either immediately after requesting them using [[ACTU:GetIndependentServiceToken]] or from an internal cache using [[ACTU:GetServiceToken]].
=== V2 Independent Service Token ===
V2 indpendent service tokens include more fields like an IV, signature, and account server environment compared to V1 tokens.
They can be requested and cached using [[ACTU:AcquireIndependentServiceTokenV2]], retrieved either immediately after requesting them using [[ACTU:GetIndependentServiceTokenV2]] or from an internal cache using [[ACTU:GetServiceTokenV2]].
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset !! Size !! Description
| 0x0 || 0x200 + 1 || base64 NULL-terminated Token
| 0x201 || 0x18 + 1 || base64 NULL-terminated IV
| 0x21A || 0x158 + 1 || base64 NULL-terminated Signature
| 0x373 || 0x2 + 1 || ASCII [[Friend_Services#Server_types|Server Environment]] type and number
== Node Data ==
== Node Data ==


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