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1,428 bytes added ,  13:55, 14 December 2024
Added information about Notification Events
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= Notification Events =
The friends module exposes a "Notification Events" system that allows client sessions to be notified of various related events.
A client sets its per-session notification event signaling handle using [[FRDU:AttachToEventNotification]].
The client can then customize for which [[Friend_Services#Notification_Event_Types|Notification Event Types]] it shall receive notifications using [[FRDU:SetNotifcationMask]].
Once the handle has been signaled by the friends module, the client can use [[FRDU:GetEventNotification]] to receive the notifications.
==Notification Event Types==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Value
! Description
| 1
| The console went online.
| 2
| The console went offline.
| 3
| A friend is now present (went online).
| 5
| A friend changed their Mii.
| 6
| A friend changed their [[Friend_Services#Profile|Profile]].
| 7
| A friend is no longer present (went offline).
| 8
| A friend has added you back as a friend (if you had added them before as a "provisionally registered" friend).
| 9
| A friend sent you a **joinable** game invitation(?) (only signaled when the console's JoinGameID matches that of the friend).
| 146
| A friend changed their favorite game.
| 147
| A friend changed their personal message.
| 149
| A friend sent you an invitation. (signaled regardless of whether the console's JoinGameID matches that of the friend)
= Relationship Types =
= Relationship Types =


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