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Fill in structs for streetpass messages
Line 500: Line 500:  
The body is expected to contain binary data with the same structure as the spr-slotXX files in the request. The order of these must be the same as the reponse header order.
The body is expected to contain binary data with the same structure as the spr-slotXX files in the request. The order of these must be the same as the reponse header order.
== Structs, Data Types ==
Streetpass uses multiple different structs and data types for storing and transporting data.
=== MessageId ===
This datatype holds a per-console-per-title unique message id.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Type
! Description
| u8[8]
| The message id
=== Timestamp12 ===
This holds a timestamp in 12 bytes
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
| 0x0
| 0x4
| u32
| Year
| 0x4
| 0x1
| u8
| Month
| 0x5
| 0x1
| u8
| Day
| 0x6
| 0x1
| u8
| Weekday
| 0x7
| 0x1
| u8
| Hour
| 0x8
| 0x1
| u8
| Minute
| 0x9
| 0x1
| u8
| Second
| 0xA
| 0x2
| u16
| Millisecond
=== Message (0x6060) ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x2
| u16
| magic
| Equals 0x6060 (<code>``</code>)
| 0x02
| 0x2
| u16
| Padding
| 0x04
| 0x04
| u32
| message_size
| The size in bytes of the entire message, including all headers and hmac
| 0x08
| 0x04
| u32
| total_header_size
| The size in bytes of all headers, including the extra headers
| 0x0C
| 0x04
| u32
| body_size
| The size in bytes of the body of the message
| 0x10
| 0x04
| u32
| title_id
| The title id of the message
| 0x14
| 0x04
| u32
| title_id2
| ???
| 0x18
| 0x04
| u32
| batch_id
| The sending client sets an ID here if multiple messages should be batched together into one transaction
| 0x1C
| 0x04
| u32
| transfer_id
| ???
| 0x20
| 0x08
| MessageId
| message_id
| The ID of the sending message
| 0x28
| 0x04
| u32
| message_version
| ???
| 0x2C
| 0x08
| MessageId
| message_id_2
| The message ID that this message is referring to, e.g. the individual responses in Streetpass Mii Plaza
| 0x34
| 0x01
| u8
| flags
| ???
| 0x35
| 0x01
| SendMethod
| send_method
| 0x36
| 0x01
| bool
| unopened
| Set if the message hasn't been opened yet
| 0x37
| 0x01
| bool
| is_new
| Set if the message is new
| 0x38
| 0x08
| u64
| sender_id
| 0x40
| 0x08
| u64
| sender_id_2
| 0x48
| 0x0C
| Timestamp12
| sent
| 0x54
| 0x0C
| Timestamp12
| received
| 0x60
| 0x0C
| Timestamp12
| created
| 0x6C
| 0x01
| u8
| send_count
| How often this message can be sent
| 0x6D
| 0x01
| u8
| forward_count
| How often this message can be forwarded
| 0x6E
| 0x02
| u16
| user_data
| ???
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x04
| u32
| type
| The type of the extra header
| 0x04
| 0x04
| u32
| size
| Size, in bytes, of the extra header
| 0x08
| body
| The body of the extra header
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x70
| MessageHeader
| header
| The header of the message
| 0x70
| ExtMessageHeader[]
| ext_headers
| An array of the extra headers for the message. The array keeps filling until the length no more until <code>header.total_header_size</code>
| body
| The actual body/payload of the message
| 0x20
| u8[0x20]
| hmac
| The hmac over the body with the hmac_key
=== Slot (0x6161) ===
The slot groups multiple messages of one title id together into a single struct
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x02
| u16
| magic
| Equals 0x6161 (<code>aa</code>)
| 0x02
| 0x02
| u16
| padding
| 0x04
| 0x04
| u32
| size
| The size of bytes of the entire slot, including the header and all messages it contains
| 0x08
| 0x04
| u32
| title_id
| The title id of the slot
| 0x0C
| 0x04
| u32
| batch_id
| If the slot contains batched messages, the batch id is set to the same one as those messages
| 0x10
| 0x04
| u32
| message_count
| The total number of messages in this slot
| 0x14
| Message[]
| messages
| An array of length <code>message_count</code> all the messages of this slot
=== BoxInfo (0x6262) ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x02
| u16
| magic
| Equals 0x6262 (<code>bb</code>)
| 0x02
| 0x02
| u16
| padding
| 0x04
| 0x04
| u32
| file_size
| The size of the box info in bytes
| 0x08
| 0x04
| u32
| max_box_size
| The maximum allowed size of the box in bytes
| 0x0C
| 0x04
| u32
| box_size
| The current size of the box in bytes
| 0x10
| 0x04
| u32
| max_num_messages
| The maximum number of messages that the box can hold
| 0x14
| 0x04
| u32
| num_messages
| The current number of messages in the box
| 0x18
| 0x04
| u32
| max_batch_size
| The maximum size of a bach, in number of messages
| 0x1C
| 0x04
| u32
| max_message_size
| The maximum size of a message, in bytes
| 0x20
| MessageHeader[]
| message_headers
| An array of all message headers in this box of length <code>num_messages</code>
=== MBoxInfo (0x6363) ===
This holds information on the message box, including both inbox and outbox
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x02
| u16
| magic
| Equals 0x6363 (<code>cc</code>)
| 0x02
| 0x02
| u16
| padding
| 0x04
| 0x04
| u32
| title_id
| The title id for this mbox
| 0x08
| 0x04
| u32
| private_id
| ???
| 0x0C
| 0x01
| u8
| mbox_type_flags
| 0x01: normal programs, 0x06: system programs, 0x80: silent notif
| 0x0D
| 0x01
| bool
| enabled
| Weather this message box is enabled
| 0x0E
| 0x02
| u16
| padding
| 0x10
| 0x20
| u8[0x20]
| hmac_key
| The hmac key to make hmacs for messages. These are unique per title, however they are the same for all consoles.
| 0x30
| 0x04
| u32
| padding
| 0x34
| 0x0C
| Timestamp12
| last_accessed
| 0x40
| 0x01
| bool
| flag_unread
| Does this message box contain unread messages?
| 0x41
| 0x01
| bool
| flag_new
| Does this message box contain new messages?
| 0x42
| 0x01
| bool
| flag_unknown
| ???
| 0x43
| 0x01
| bool
| flag_unknown
| ???
| 0x44
| 0x0C
| Timestamp12
| last_received
| 0x50
| 0x04
| u32
| padding
| 0x54
| 0x0C
| Timestamp12
| unknown_timestamp
| ???
=== 0x6565 ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x04
| u32
| title_id
| The title id of the slot
| 0x04
| 0x04
| SendMethod
| send_method
| The send method for the slot
| 0x08
| 0x04
| u32
| body_size
| The size of the slot body in bytes
| 0x0C
| 0x04
| u32
| count
| Number of messages
| 0x10
| 0x14
| '''unknown'''
| '''unknown'''
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Length
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x02
| u16
| magic
| Equals 0x6565 (<code>ee</code>)
| 0x02
| 0x02
| u16
| padding
| 0x04
| 0x28
| '''unknown'''
| '''unknown'''
| 0x2C
| 0x360
| SlotMetadata[0x18]
| slots
| Metadata of all slots
=== OBIndex (0x6767) ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x02
| u16
| magic
| Equals 0x6767 (<code>gg</code>)
| 0x02
| 0x02
| u16
| padding
| 0x04
| 0x04
| u32
| num_messages
| The number of messages in the outbox
| 0x08
| MessageId[]
| message_ids
| An array of the message IDs in the outbox, of length <code>num_messages</code>
=== MBoxList (0x6868) ===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Offset
! Size
! Type
! Name
! Description
| 0x00
| 0x02
| u16
| magic
| Equals 0x6868 (<code>hh</code>)
| 0x02
| 0x02
| u16
| padding
| 0x04
| 0x04
| u32
| version
| 0x08
| 0x04
| u32
| num_boxes
| The number of boxes (= games with streetpass enabled)
| 0x0C
| 0x180
| char[0x18][0x10]
| box_names
| A 0x18-long array of all the box names (= hex encoded title ids) of games with streetpass enabled
[[Category:Nintendo Software]]
[[Category:Nintendo Software]]


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