Line 32:
Line 32:
| 0x18
| 0x18
| 0x1
| 0x2
| Bit-mapped Sex, Birthday, ??
| Bit-mapped: Birthday (4bit-day,5bit-month), Sex, Shirt, ??
| 0x19
| 0x1A
| 0x14
| 0x14
| UTF-16 Mii Name
| UTF-16 Mii Name
| 0x2D
| 0x2E
| 0x2A
| 0x1A
| unknown
| unknown
| 0x47
| 0x48
| 0x14
| 0x14
| UTF-16 Author Name
| UTF-16 Author Name
| 0x5B
| 0x5C
| 0x15
| 0x2
| unknown
| unknown
| 0x5E
| 0x2
| unknown (seems like the start of the checksum)
| 0x60
| 0x10
| Checksum (Hash)
* Codes made from the same 3DS are encrypted with the same xorpad (you can recreate it by xoring with known values from this table).