* <code>0x080B0000</code> → <code>0x03000000</code>, GBA IWRAM (32KiB)
* <code>0x080B0000</code> → <code>0x03000000</code>, GBA IWRAM (32KiB)
* <code>0x08080000</code> → Flash 1Mbit (the 2 512k banks are contiguous in memory)
* <code>0x08080000</code> → EEPROM/SRAM/Flash 512k/Flash 1Mbit (the 2 512k banks are contiguous in memory). <code>0x10018104</code> must be set to 1 before reading memory here, and restored to its previous value afterwards
* <code>0x080C0000</code> → EEPROM/SRAM/Flash 512k (<code>0x10018104</code> must be set to 1 before reading memory here, and restored to its previous value afterwards)
* <code>0x01FFC000</code> → <code>0x01000000</code>, ARM9 ITCM under TWL (16KiB)
* <code>0x01FFC000</code> → <code>0x01000000</code>, ARM9 ITCM under TWL (16KiB)