'''Background:''' Also [http://problemkaputt.de/twl-core.jpg DSi SoC pinout] shows evidence of dual NTRCARD controllers on the final DSi SoC. (This was a [https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Qk87hEjW--/18j4up3g4zdkqjpg.jpg planned feature] of the DSi before being axed later in development)
'''Background:''' Also [http://problemkaputt.de/twl-core.jpg DSi SoC pinout] shows evidence of dual NTRCARD controllers on the final DSi SoC. (This was a [http://i.imgur.com/0kJlbEw.png planned feature] of the DSi before being axed later in development)