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Initially this is value zero. NATIVE_FIRM writes value 1 here when a FIRM launch begins. The [[Legacy_FIRM_PXI|LGY]] FIRM writes value 3 here when handling PXI command 0x00020080(first TWL PXI command), it also writes value 7 here when handling PXI command 0x00030080(first AGB PXI command). This register can be read to determine what "mode" the system is running under: hard-boot, FIRM launch, or TWL/AGB FIRM.
This register is used to determine what the previous running FIRM was. Its value is kept following an MCU reboot. Its initial value (on a cold boot) is 0. NATIVE_FIRM [[Development_Services_PXI|sets it to 1]] on shutdown/FIRM launch. [[Legacy_FIRM_PXI|LGY FIRM]] writes value 3 here when launching a TWL title, and writes value 7 when launching an AGB title.
0=Cold boot, 1=CTR, 3=TWL, 5=NTR, 7=AGB
NATIVE_FIRM will only launch titles if this is not value 0, and will only save the [[Flash_Filesystem|AGB_FIRM savegame]] to SD if this is value 7.
It is unknown if this register controls anything.