Some parts of the extended functionality are provided in hardware by an extended geometry pipeline. Most importantly, PICA200 has three programmable vertex processors. There is furthermore a unit called Primitive Engine, which is a geometry shader unit (using the same instruction set as vertex shaders) with support for variable-size primitives. The Primitive Engine functionality may be disabled, and the geometry shader unit then acts as a fourth vertex processor. See [[Shader_Instruction_Set]] for more information on the shader instruction set. | Some parts of the extended functionality are provided in hardware by an extended geometry pipeline. Most importantly, PICA200 has three programmable vertex processors. There is furthermore a unit called Primitive Engine, which is a geometry shader unit (using the same instruction set as vertex shaders) with support for variable-size primitives. The Primitive Engine functionality may be disabled, and the geometry shader unit then acts as a fourth vertex processor. See [[Shader_Instruction_Set]] for more information on the shader instruction set. |