| These keyslots use the same console-unique keyX. Each keyslot has a separate keyY.
| Bootrom.
| Bootrom.
| -
| Yes
| 0x08..0x0B
| These keyslots use the same console-unique keyX. Each keyslot has a separate keyY.
| Bootrom.
| Bootrom.
| -
| Yes
| 0x0C..0x0F
| All of these keyslots are set to the same key-data, which is a regular normal-key. The keyX written before the normal-key is console-unique, this keyX is the same for all of these keyslots.
| Bootrom.
| Bootrom?
| Bootrom.
| Yes
| Yes
| 0x0D
| 0x0D
| SSL-certificate key. See [[PSPXI:EncryptDecryptAes|EncryptDecryptAes]].
| SSL-certificate key. See [[PSPXI:EncryptDecryptAes|EncryptDecryptAes]].