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The Old3DS+New3DS 11.5.0-38 system update was released on July 10, 2017. This Old3DS update was released for the following regions: USA, EUR, JPN, CHN, KOR, and TWN. This New3DS update was released for the following regions: USA, EUR, JPN, CHN, KOR, and TWN.

Security flaws fixed: <fill this in manually later, see the updatedetails page from the ninupdates-report page(s) once available for now>.


Official USA change-log:

  • Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience

System Titles



Only one function was changed at all, L_1098C8 (N3DS address), previously L_109B20, to add support for the New 2DS XL. Inside the block executed when bit2 of the 32-bit register 0x1EF00000 is set:

- if(R_FAILED(CFGS_GetInfoBlk8(n3dsBacklightControl, 8, 0x50009))) *n3dsBacklightControl = 0ULL;
+ if(systemModel == 5 || R_FAILED(CFGS_GetInfoBlk8(n3dsBacklightControl, 8, 0x50009))) *n3dsBacklightControl = 0ULL;



The New2DSXL model-string("JAN") was added to ACT-sysmodule.




 "/message/<dirname>/menu_msbt_LZ.bin" Updated with strings which are used on New2DSXL.
 "/news/US_news/news002_jan_LZ.bin" New file.
 "/news/US_news/news012_jan_LZ.bin" New file.

See Also

System update report(s):