
619 bytes added ,  23:01, 21 February 2014
Created page with "=Request= {| class="wikitable" border="1" |- ! Index Word ! Description |- | 0 | Header code [0x000500C2] |- | 1 | Total shared memory size |- | 2 | Size of data to receive |- ..."
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Index Word
! Description
| 0
| Header code [0x000500C2]
| 1
| Total shared memory size
| 2
| Size of data to receive
| 3
| u8 flag
| 4
| Value zero
| 5
| Shared memory handle

{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Index Word
! Description
| 0
| Header code
| 1
| Result code

This starts an IR data-receive transfer, this command is non-blocking. The received data to is written to sharedmemaddr + 0. Note that the output data from this will be the same each time this is used, until new valid IR data is received.