
428 bytes added ,  03:05, 21 May 2017
NTR Cart note under NON-NAND FIRM, note about the key combination enabling boot.
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When booting from NAND fails, boot9 will then attempt to boot from Wifi SPI-flash(this only triggers when the wifi module hw is properly accessible/connected, which is normally the case). The base offset for spiflash FIRM is 0x400. Note that this region(all data prior to offset 0x1F300) is write-protected by the spiflash(not writable from 3DS-mode / DS-mode).
When booting from NAND fails, boot9 will then attempt to boot from Wifi SPI-flash(this only triggers when the wifi module hw is properly accessible/connected, which is normally the case). The base offset for spiflash FIRM is 0x400. Note that this region(all data prior to offset 0x1F300) is write-protected by the spiflash(not writable from 3DS-mode / DS-mode).
Additionally, if the shell is closed and a special key combination (Start + Select + X) is held, boot9 will attempt to boot from an inserted NTR cartridge before bootring from NAND. Note: While normally on o3ds/2ds the console will not turn on if the shell is closed (or this is faked by holding a magnet to the console), when this special key combination is held holding down the power button will cause boot to occur anyway.
For non-NAND booting, NCSD / FIRM-backup is not used.
For non-NAND booting, NCSD / FIRM-backup is not used.
