
Added StapleBtrs tut
== Setup ==
* Install [ devkitPro]. If it's already installed, give it an update, it can't hurt. On Windows there's a GUI installer. On Linux/Mac there's a perl-script.
* Install the [ 3dsxtools] on top of devkitPro according to the website.
* On Linux/Mac cd into your devkitPro folder and execute:
git clone
* If you're on Windows you can download ctrulib as a [zip] and extract it into your devkitPro folder.

'''Note:''' devkitPro/ctrulib/libctru contains ctrulib itself, and devkitPro/ctrulib/examples contains a few 3DS homebrew examples.

== Adding some environment variables ==
* Under Windows: go to System properties, Advanced system settings, Environment variables.
** Add an environment variable named CTRULIB. Set it to the path to ctrulib.
*** '''Example:''' CTRULIB -> C:\devkitPro\ctrulib\'''libctru'''
** You also need to add devkitARM/bin to the PATH environment variable.
*** '''Example:''' PATH -> [previous value of PATH];C:\devkitPro\devkitARM\bin

* Under Linux/Mac:
** Add the following to your ~/.bash_proflle or equivalent:
export CTRULIB=''<path to ctrulib/libctru>''

== Building ctrulib ==
In the form under which it's provided, ctrulib needs to be built before you can build homebrew.

Open a terminal (cmd window under Windows) and browse to ctrulibs directory (the one you entered in the CTRULIB variable of the previous step). Run the following commands:
make clean

If everything goes right, a lib folder should be created with a file named 'libctru.a' in it.

== Building the examples ==
You can build from the examples provided with ctrulib.

* '''arm11u:''' simple homebrew example
* '''sdmc:''' demonstrates how to access files on the SD card
* '''mic:''' demonstrates how to read sound from the microphone
* '''gpu:''' demonstrates how to render 3D geometry with the GPU

== Building homebrew for distribution ==
To build your homebrew, it works the same way as for building ctrulib. Open a terminal, browse to your homebrew's folder and run make.

* This will build a .elf file and a .3dsx file together with an icon. The icon and .3dsx file is meant for upcoming homebrew launchers.

* To build a Gateway-compatible .3ds file you need to strip the .elf file and use makerom on it (with the provided RSF file):
arm-none-eabi-strip [ELF file]
makerom -f cci -o [.3ds file] -rsf [RSF file] -target d -exefslogo -elf [ELF file] -icon [icon file] -banner [banner file]