

Index Word Description
Header 0x003500C2 Cmd 0x0035 Param 3 Xlat 2
1 u32, Task ID size, including NULL terminator
2 bool, TaskOption configured
3 u8, Step ID
4 Descriptor for mapping a read-only buffer in the target process
5 Task ID buffer


Index Word Description
Header 0x00350042 Cmd 0x0035 Param 1 Xlat 2
1 Result code
2 Descriptor for mapping a read-only buffer in the target process
3 Task ID buffer


Registers a task for the program ID of the current session and updates the BOSS savedata immediately, using information previously configured with BOSSU:SendProperty.

Immediate tasks are those that are configured to run immediately and only once (the count and interval are set to 1).

The input bool is set to true in the SDK if the application provides a TaskOption, which contains some of the properties that can be configured.