
3DSのセーブデータはゲームカートにまさにDSのそれと同じように保存されています。 DSではこのようなセーブデータはそのまま保存されていましたが、3DSにおいては暗号化して保存する仕組みが加わりました。 これはとてもストリームの暗号化に似ています。排他的論理和を取ることによって、セーブデータの復号鍵が 得られます。                                                                                            




The 3DS employs a wearleveling scheme on the savegame FLASH chips. This is done trough blockmaps and a journal. The blockmap is located at offset 0 of the flash chip, and is immediately followed by the journal. The initial state is dictated by the blockmap, and the journal is then applied to that.

The blockmap structure is simple:

struct header_entry {
        uint8_t chksums[8];
        uint8_t phys_sec;
        uint8_t alloc_cnt;
} __attribute__((__packed__));

The journal structure is as follows:

struct sector_entry {
        uint8_t virt_sec;       // Mapped to sector
        uint8_t prev_virt_sec;  // Physical sector previously mapped to
        uint8_t phys_sec;       // Mapped from sector
        uint8_t prev_phys_sec;  // Virtual sector previously mapped to
        uint8_t phys_realloc_cnt;       // Amount of times physical sector has been remapped
        uint8_t virt_realloc_cnt;       // Amount of times virtual sector has been remapped
        uint8_t chksums[8];
} __attribute__((__packed__));

struct long_sector_entry{
        struct sector_entry sector;
        struct sector_entry dupe;
        uint32_t magic;

With magic being a constant 0x080d6ce0.




 struct FileEntry {
     u32 Unknown;
     u8  FileName[0x10];
     u32 EntryID;
     u32 Unknown;
     u32 Unknown;
     u32 FileSize;
     u32 Unknown;
     u32 Unknown;
     u32 Unknown;