/DCIMフォルダ - 写真 /Nintendo 3DSフォルダ - ゲームデータ
/Nintendo 3DS/<SomeID>/<SomeID>/extdata/00000000
0000033c -スーパーストリートファイターIV 3D - EUR 0000034d -戦国無双クロニクル3D- USA 0000033b -リッジレーサー3D - EUR 00000358 -リッジレーサー3D - USA 0000022d -顔シューティング- EUR 00000227 -すれちがいMii広場 - EUR 0000020d - 顔シューティング - JPN 00000207 - すれちがいMii広場 - JPN
All "extra data" under extdata is encrypted. Although these files use 0xFF blocks similar to EEPROM saves, extdata can't be decrypted with the xorpad fail like EEPROM saves. All "extra data" files can't be copied to other 3DS SD cards, they are locked to the console.
"Private" data is stored here:
/Nintendo 3DS/Private/<Title ID Low>/ 00020500 - Nintendo 3DS Sound 00020400 - Nintendo 3DS Camera
"Private" data for 3DS Sound/Camera are cleartext. Under the camera priv dir is phtcache.bin, this seems to list the pictures on SD card? Under the sound priv dir is: voice/XX/*.m4a. Where XX is 01-10, with sound saved as .m4a.