I'm Japanese. Sorry,I cannot write smart English. But I bring information written in japanese! I bought a new one.

A new 3DS for dumping stuff I guess...?--Lazymarek9614 14:36, 23 November 2011 (CET)

Yes,of cource. But before dump ram,i will be able to find more info about RAM!

I also wanted to do a RAM dump, but the pinout on the board is unknown... Why have you bought a new 3DS when you don't know how to do a dump?--Lazymarek9614 17:48, 24 November 2011 (CET)

Here is an excrypted .ctx file.[1] How did you create it?--Jocopoco 12:42, 14 December 2011 (CET)

Hey Matyapiro31 do you have Japanese 3DS?--Rikku2000

Yes,I do.But why?--Matyapiro31 16:34, 4 March 2012 (CET) I ask can you download from japan-eshop the Loveplus tool the link is on my page is an qr code just can with cam i want try to use it on european 3DS? If its have some fee i will send you the money, thanks.--Rikku2000 I read the fees are 200Y if you have paypal i will send you the money my email is rikkuff2000@yahoo.de i add you on my 3ds system.--Rikku2000

Unfortunatery,ordinally 3DS CANNOT play eshop games only copying data.

if you have 3ds common key and development 3ds,you can do it for yourself.(maybe)

so,you buy Japanese 3ds and can ask yellows8 to way to access Japanese eshop in europ

i mean download the game and send me the files from your sd card.--Rikku2000

Erm, no... Rikku2000, read the SD_Filesystem page and others, titles on sdcard are encrypted with an unknown console-unique key.(tik commonkey and other keys used with titles are unknown too, so trying to use it on a dev3ds can't be done at all) "way to access Japanese eshop in europ" You can't.(what would you do with that app anyway?) --Yellows8 18:53, 4 March 2012 (CET)

I want use it try some play with it :P i put on my page the download for Zelda(Nes) maybe you can try the local files on your 3ds. install in here "(sample):\Nintendo 3DS\1af17845dd3aea1c73c48c69443988c6\912c00ac4760aae4534430320002544d\title\00040000\0006f200"

...Don't you know what "console-unique key" means? That *will not* work. --Yellows8 19:34, 4 March 2012 (CET)

i know whats that mean, i know it from my caanoo there youse drm...