Index Word | Description |
0 | Header code [0x00140084] |
1 | nfds_t nfds |
2 | int timeout |
3 | Value 0x20 (processID header) |
4 | ProcessID set by the ARM11 kernel. |
5 | (insize<<14) | 0x2802 |
6 | Pointer to input pollfd struct array |
The following is located 0x100-bytes after the beginning of the above command buffer:
Index Word | Description |
0 | (outsize<<14) | 2 |
1 | Pointer to output pollfd struct array |
Index Word | Description |
0 | Header code |
1 | Result code |
2 | POSIX return value |
pollfd struct
Type | Name | Description |
u32 | fd | Socket handle |
u32 | events | Events to poll for (input) |
u32 | revents | Events received (output) |
Events are a bitwise set of these flags.
Value | Name | Description |
0x01 | POLLRDNORM | Normal data can be read. |
0x02 | POLLRDBAND | Priority Band Data can be read. |
0x04 | POLLPRI | Urgent data can be read. |
0x08 | POLLWRNORM | Normal data can be written. |
0x10 | POLLWRBAND | Priority data can be written. |
0x20 | POLLERR | Socket has an error condition. |
0x40 | POLLHUP | Socket has been disconnected. |
0x80 | POLLNVAL | Invalid socket handle. This is set if you use fd=-1, which is non-standard behavior. |
POLLRDNORM | POLLRDBAND | POLLIN | Data can be read. |
POLLWRNORM | POLLOUT | Data can be written. |