Mii Selector

Revision as of 20:56, 3 August 2017 by Phijor (talk | contribs) (Created page with "with is the library applet used to select a Mii. Internally it is called ''appletEd''. =Launching the applet= ''appletEd'' can be launched by calling APT:StartLibraryA...")
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with is the library applet used to select a Mii. Internally it is called appletEd.

Launching the applet

appletEd can be launched by calling APT:StartLibraryApplet with AppID 0x402. It expects a pointer to a buffer of 0x104 bytes to be passed as parameter. It does not use other ressources, so an invalid handle of value 0 is expected.

After returning from the applet, part of the parameter buffer is filled with the data of any selected Mii and some other related values.

Parameter Buffer

The applet can be configured to work in a flexible way by setting values in a 0x104 byte long buffer that is passed when launching it.

Index Byte Size Type Name Description
0x000 1 1*u8 Cancel button flag If set to a nonzero value, a Button labeled (B) Cancel is displayed at the bottom of the applet.

This allows to cancel the selection of a Mii.

0x001 1 1*u8 Enable Guest Mii selection flag If set to a nonzero value, 6 predefined Guest Miis can be selected on their own page.
0x002 1 1*u8 Show on top screen flag If set to a nonzero value, the applet is displayed at the top screen instead of the touchscreen.
0x003 5 5*u8 Unknown May be padding to align the following data to a 8-byte boundary.
0x008 128 (0x80) 64*u16 Title This is a UTF16-LE[1]-encoded, zero-terminated string that is displayed at the top of the applet.

If the first character is set to '\x0000' (null-terminator), a default title is displayed.

0x088 4 4*u8 Unknown May be padding.
0x08C 1 1*u8 Show Guest Miis flag If set to a nonzero value, the applet initially shows the page where the Guest Miis are located.

Otherwise, it displays the user-created/-imported Miis after launch.

0x08D 3 3*u8 Unknown May be padding to align the following data to a 8-byte boundary.
0x090 4 1*u32 Initially selected Mii index If set to a value i, the cursor is initially placed on the i+1st Mii in the Mii database.

If Show Guest Miis is set and i is in [0,...,5], the cursor is placed on the i+1st Guest Mii. In any other case a user's personal Mii is selected.

0x094 6 6*u8 Guest Mii whitelist For each nonzero byte in this array, the corresponding Guest Mii is made selectable.

Otherwise they are greyed out and can't be selected.

0x09A 100 (0x64) 100*u8 User Mii whitelist Like the above, only for the Miis found in the system's database.

A Mii's index in this array corresponds to its index in the system database.

0x0FE 2 1*u16 Unknown May be padding to align the following data to a 8-byte boundary.
0x100 4 1*u32 Magic value 0x13DE28CF (little Endian) Without this value, the applet refuses to display any Miis.

Return Buffer

After selecting a Mii or canceling the operation, appletEd writes 0x84 byte to the parameter buffer it was passed, starting at offset 0.

Index Byte Size Type Name Description
0x00 4 1*u32 Return code Set to 1 if the action was canceled, 0 if a Mii was selected.
0x04 4 1*u32 Guest Mii selected flag Set to 1 if a Guest Mii was selected, 0 if it was a user Mii.
0x08 4 1*u32 Selected Guest Mii index If a Guest Mii was selected, this is set to the value corresponding to its index (i.e. 3 for Guest D).

Set to 0xFFFFFFFF (-1) if a user Mii was selected.

0x0C 92 (0x5c) 1*struct mii Selected Mii data If a Mii was selected, its data is copied here.

The same format as in the system's Mii database is used.

0x68 2 2*u8 Unknown -
0x6a 2 1*u16 Mii data checksum (?) This may be a checksum of the returned Mii data.
0x6c 24 12*u16 Guest Mii name The localized name as a UTF16-LE string of a Guest Mii if one was selected, zeroed otherwise.