Titles With Code Symbols

Revision as of 19:48, 20 October 2016 by Neobrain (talk | contribs) (Typography)

This page lists titles containing symbols in the RomFS for the ExeFS codebin.

Title name Notes
Brunswick Pro Bowling Contains an ELF binary with full symbol information in its RomFS root
Fire Emblem: If/Fates All released versions of the game contain "name.StackTrace" and "addr.StackTrace" files in the "debug" folder in the RomFS, which provide full function names/signatures for the game's code.bin
Inazuma Eleven 3 Lightning Bolt / Team Ogre Attacks / Bomb Blast CRO/CRS contains symbols
Mario Kart 7 Only the DLP-child has symbols, not the main app/update-title
Megaman Legacy Collection CRO/CRS contains symbols
Pokémon Sun and Moon (demo) CROs and ExeFS code binary contain symbols
Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition CRO/CRS contains symbols
Steel Diver: Sub Wars Newer versions of the update-title don't have the "map" file any more
Super Smash Bros. CRO/CRS contains symbols