Filesystem services PXI

Revision as of 22:29, 31 March 2015 by Yellows8 (talk | contribs)
Command Header, prior to 3.0.0-5 Command Header, starting with 3.0.0-5 Available since system version Description
0x000101C2 ? 1.0.0-0 OpenFile
0x00020142 ? 1.0.0-0 DeleteFile? (unknown_u32, archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, pathptrsize, pathptr)
0x00030244 ? 1.0.0-0 RenameFile? (unknown_u32, archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, secondarchivehandlelo, secondarchivehandlehi, secondpathtype, secondpathsize, pathptrsize, pathptr, secondpathptrsize, secondpathptr)
0x00040142 ? 1.0.0-0 DeleteDirectory? (unknown_u32, archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, pathptrsize, pathptr)
0x00050202 ? 1.0.0-0 CreateFile? (unknown_u32, archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, unknown_u32, unknown_lo, unknown_hi, pathptrsize, pathptr)
0x00060182 ? 1.0.0-0 CreateDirectory? (unknown_u32, archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, unknown_u32, pathptrsize, pathptr)
0x00070244 ? 1.0.0-0 RenameDirectory? (unknown_u32, archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, secondarchivehandlelo, secondarchivehandlehi, secondpathtype, secondpathsize, pathptrsize, pathptr, secondpathptrsize, secondpathptr)
0x00080102 ? 1.0.0-0 OpenDirectory (archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, pathptrsize, pathptr)
0x00090142 ? 1.0.0-0 ReadFile
0x000A00C2 ? 1.0.0-0 CalculateFileHashSHA256
0x000B0182 ? 1.0.0-0 WriteFile
0x000C0104 ? 1.0.0-0 CalcSavegameMAC
0x000D0080 ? 1.0.0-0 GetFileSize
0x000E0100 ? 1.0.0-0 SetFileSize (sizelo, sizehi, filehandlelo, filehandlehi)
0x000F0080 ? 1.0.0-0 CloseFile (filehandlelo, filehandlehi)
0x001000C2 ? 1.0.0-0 ReadDirectory (dirhandlelo, dirhandlehi, count, ptrsize, ptr)
0x00110080 ? 1.0.0-0 CloseDirectory (dirhandlelo, dirhandlehi)
0x001200C2 ? 1.0.0-0 OpenArchive
0x00130102 ? 1.0.0-0 CreateExtSaveData? (archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, pathptrsize, pathptr)
0x00140102 ? 1.0.0-0 (archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, pathptrsize, pathptr)
0x00150102 ? 1.0.0-0 (archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, pathtype, pathsize, pathptrsize, pathptr)
0x00160080 ? 1.0.0-0 CloseArchive (archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi)
0x00170080 ? 1.0.0-0 ReopenArchive? (archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi)
0x00180000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetCardType
0x00190000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetSdmcArchiveResource
0x001A0000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetNandArchiveResource
0x001B0000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetSdmcFatFsError
0x001C0000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetSdmcDetected
0x001D0000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetSdmcWritable
0x001E0042 ? 1.0.0-0 GetSdmcCid
0x001F0042 ? 1.0.0-0 GetNandCid
0x00200000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetSdmcSpeedInfo
0x00210000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetNandSpeedInfo
0x00220042 ? 1.0.0-0 GetSdmcLog
0x00230042 ? 1.0.0-0 GetNandLog
0x00240000 ? 1.0.0-0 ClearSdmcLog
0x00250000 ? 1.0.0-0 ClearNandLog
0x00260000 ? 1.0.0-0 GetCardSlotInserted
0x00270000 ? 1.0.0-0 CardSlotPowerOn
0x00280000 ? 1.0.0-0 CardSlotPowerOff
0x00290000 ? 1.0.0-0 CardSlotGetIfPowerStatus
0x002A0040 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectCommand (These CardNor commands are used for accessing the raw gamecard flash savedata)
0x002B0080 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectCommandWithAddress
0x002C0082 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectRead
0x002D00C2 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectReadWithAddress
0x002E0082 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectWrite
0x002F00C2 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectWriteWithAddress
0x003000C2 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectRead4IO
0x00310082 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectCpuWriteWithoutVerify
0x00320040 ? 1.0.0-0 CardNorDirectSectorEraseWithoutVerify
0x00330080 ? 1.0.0-0 GetProductInfo
0x00340040 ? 1.0.0-0 SetCardSpiBaudrate
0x00350040 ? 1.0.0-0 SetCardSpiBusMode
0x00360040 ? 1.0.0-0 SendInitializeInfo
0x00370140 ? 1.0.0-0 CreateExtSaveData
0x003800C0 ? 1.0.0-0 DeleteExtSaveData
0x00390082 ? 1.0.0-0 EnumerateExtSaveData
0x003A0100 ? 1.0.0-0 GetSpecialContentIndex
0x003B00C2 0x003B00C2 1.0.0-0 GetLegacyRomHeader
0x003C00C2 0x003C0102 1.0.0-0 GetLegacyBannerData
0x003F0000 ? 1.0.0-0 DeleteSdmcRoot
0x00400040 ? 1.0.0-0 DeleteAllExtSaveDataOnNand
0x00410000 ? 1.0.0-0 InitializeCtrFilesystem
0x00420000 ? 1.0.0-0 CreateSeed
0x00430042 ? 2.0.0-2 GetSdmcCtrRootPath
0x00440040 ? 2.0.0-2 GetArchiveResource
0x00450002 0x00440002 2.0.0-2 ExportIntegrityVerificationSeed
0x00460002 0x00450002 2.0.0-2 ImportIntegrityVerificationSeed
0x00470082 ? 2.0.0-2 EnumerateSharedExtSaveData
0x00480102 ? 2.0.0-2 GetLegacySubBannerData
0x00490042 ? 2.0.0-2 Initialize (?)
0x004A00C2 ? 2.0.0-2 OpenSpecialFile? (archivehandlelo, archivehandlehi, size, ptrsize_mul2, ptr)
0x004B0102 ? 2.0.0-2 ReadSpecialFile
None 0x004B0000 3.0.0-5 GetMovableSedHashedKeyYRandomData
0x004C0040 ? 2.0.0-2 GetSpecialFileSize
None 0x004D01C4 3.0.0-5 ReadFileWrapper. If the first ReadFile call fails, this calls ReadFile again then executes hash-related code.
None 0x004E0204 3.0.0-5 This is a wrapper for WriteFile, this is similar to command 0x004D01C4.
None 0x004F.... 3.0.0-5 (unknown_u64)
None 0x00500000 3.0.0-5 Stubbed, this only returns value 0.
None 0x0051.... 3.0.0-5 (unknown_u8)
None 0x00520042 3.0.0-5 (outbuffersize, outbufferptr)
None 0x00530000 3.0.0-5 Unknown, stubbed with 4.0.0-7.
None 0x0054.... 4.0.0-7 Stubbed with 4.0.0-7.
None 0x00550082 4.0.0-7 ReadNandReport (outbuffersize, u8 mediatype, outbufferptr)
None 0x00560102 9.6.0-X This calls some archive-class vtable funcptr, for the specified archive-handle. It's unknown what this is for.


Error-code Description
0xC82044BE Object does already exist/failed to create object.
0xC8804478 Object doesn't exist / failed to open object(file). Or: The specified title does not exist in the database.
0xC880448D FSPXI: Gamecard not inserted when attempting to use the gamecard.
0xC92044E6 Operation not allowed with the current file openflags (maybe other causes too?).
0xC960454B SDMC/NAND bus error, when an error-bit in REG_SDSTATUS separate from the above errors is set. This can also indicate that the TWL partition table in the NAND sector0 is invalid, or that the sector signature for sector0 at offset 0x1FE is invalid?
0xC960F401 SDMC/NAND bus error, REG_SDSTATUS: Bit23 (0x00800000)
0xD9004587 FSPXI: Hash verification failure (only for NCCH region hashes?).
0xD9004588 FSPXI/FSUSER: Verification failure for RSA or hashes. FSUSER: Verification failed for savegame AES-MAC.
0xD900458B Invalid RomFS / savedata block hash.
0xD9004676 FSUSER: The specified service-command / archive is not accessible, due to the currently used exheader accessinfo not having the required bit(s) set. (This error can also indicate that the required ARM9 access-control mount flag is not enabled, in the exheader for any of the running ARM11 processes)
0xE0C046F9 FSPXI: Specified read-size doesn't match the actual filesize, when accessing ExeFS.
0xE0E046BE Invalid lowpath. This can also indicate that the specified archive-id does not exist, or that the specified archive-id is not accessible over FSPXI. In certain cases this can also be caused by attempting to open a FSUSER archive where none of the required bit(s) for the archive are set in the user-process exheader accessinfo.
0xE0E046C1 File-reading returns this when the input 64bit file-pos is negative, or when the file-pos is larger than the filesize.
0xE160F403 SDMC/NAND bus error, REG_SDSTATUS: Bit28 (0x10000000)
0xE160F404 SDMC/NAND bus error, REG_SDSTATUS: Bit27 (0x08000000)