CSND service "csnd:SND"
Command Header | Description |
0x00010140 | Initialize |
0x00020000 | Shutdown |
0x00030040 | ExecuteType0Commands |
0x00040080 | ExecuteType1Commands |
0x00050000 | AcquireSoundChannels. This function tries to acquire sound channels. Response cmdbuf[2] holds a bitmask to which channels were allocated to this process. |
0x00060000 | ReleaseSoundChannels. |
0x00070000 | AcquireUnknown. This function tries to acquire unknown channels (16). |
0x00080040 | ReleaseUnknown. This function tries to release the channels corresponding to the given bitmask in cmdbuf[1]. |
0x00090082 | FlushDCache |
0x000A0082 | StoreDCache |
0x000B0082 | InvalidateDCache |
0x000C0000 |
For cache operations addresses must be in 0x14000000-0x1C000000 range. Starting with 8.0.0-18 addresses in the range 0x30000000-0x40000000 are also allowed.
This service is normally used for playing CWAVs. The audio data must be located in the 0x14000000 virtual memory region, since CSND requires the physical address for playing the audio.