

Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x001D0042]
1 Size, normally 0x11C.
2 (Size<<4) | 12
3 Output data ptr


Index Word Description
0 Header code
1 Resultcode


Offset Size Description
0x0C 0x4 Video width.
0x10 0x4 Video height.
0x5C 0x4 Video width.
0x60 0x4 Video height.
0x64 0x4 FCRAM address. For MVDSTD:SetConfig this is an LINEAR-memory vaddr in the 0x30000000 vmem area. MVD module internally changes this to physaddr, hence this is a physaddr for the struct from GetConfig.

The size of this structure is fixed to 0x11C-bytes.


For this command, MVD module DMAs 0x11C-bytes from a MVD state structure to the above output buffer.