
Revision as of 15:32, 18 January 2025 by TimmSkiller (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=Request= {{IPC/Request}} {{IPC/RequestHeader|0x0007|2|2}} {{IPC/RequestEntry|Output buffer size}} {{IPC/RequestEntry|ACTU:GetAsyncResult#Async_Request_Types|Async Request T...")
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Index Word Description
Header 0x00070082 Cmd 0x0007 Param 2 Xlat 2
1 Output buffer size
2 Async Request Type
3 Descriptor for mapping a write-only buffer in the target process
4 Output buffer pointer


Index Word Description
Header 0x00070082 Cmd 0x0007 Param 2 Xlat 2
1 Result code
2 Size of returned data
3 Descriptor for mapping a write-only buffer in the target process
4 Output buffer pointer

Async Request Types

Type Corresponding command Result accessible with
1 InquireBindingToExistentServerAccount act:a
2 BindToExistentServerAccount act:a
3 AcquireEula act:u, act:a
4 AcquireTimeZoneList act:u, act:a
5 AcquireAccountInfo act:u, act:a
6 AcquireAccountIdByPrincipalId (single) act:u, act:a
7 AcquireAccountIdByPrincipalId (multiple) act:u, act:a
8 AcquirePrincipalIdByAccountId (single) act:u, act:a
9 AcquirePrincipalIdByAccountId (multiple) act:u, act:a
10 ApproveByCreditCard act:a
11 SendCoppaCodeMail act:a
12 AcquireMii act:u, act:a
13 AcquireAccountInfoRaw act:u, act:a


Returns data returned from the account server for the specified async request.

Possible Result Codes

Result code Reason
0xE0A14CC8 The input async request type does not correspond to the last async request sent with the respective command, or the input async request type is invalid.
0xE0A14CCB The input buffer is not large enough to store the output data.
0xE0A14C6F No async request was sent prior to using this command.
0xE0A14CC9 The input buffer was not given or is invalid.