FRD Savegame

From 3dbrew
Revision as of 01:11, 30 March 2024 by TraceEntertains (talk | contribs) (Remove unknown padding field in mydata section (it overlaps with the previous field and is inaccurate))
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This page describes the contents of the friend sysmodule savegame. Except for the config file, all of the data is stored inside a folder that represents the local account ID of the account. For example: /1/account stores the data of the main account.


Offset Size Description
0x00 4 File magic "FPCF" (Friends Preference Config)
0x04 4 File magic number (0x20101021)
0x08 8 Padding
0x10 4 Current Local Account ID


Offset Size Description
0x00 4 File magic "FPAC" (Friends Preference Account Config)
0x04 4 File magic number (0x20101021)
0x08 8 Padding
0x10 4 Local Account ID
0x14 4 PrincipalID
0x18 8 LocalFriendCode
0x20 (16 + 1) * 2 NEX Password
0x42 (8 + 1) * 2 PrincipalID HMAC (Used for logging into NASC server)
0x54 1 NASC Environment (0: Prod, 1: Test, 2: Dev)
0x55 1 Server type letter value
0x56 1 Server type number value
0x57 1 Padding


Offset Size Description
0x00 4 File magic "FPMD" (Friends Preference My Data/Device)
0x04 4 File magic number (0x20101021)
0x08 8 Padding
0x10 4 My NC Principal ID
0x14 4 Unknown
0x18 4 Changed bit flags
0x1C 1 Is public mode
0x1D 1 Is show game mode
0x1E 1 Is show played game
0x1F 1 Padding
0x20 0x10 GameKey of my favorite game:
 u64 title_id
 u32 title_version
 u32 unknown
0x30 16 * 2 UTF16 string of personal message
0x50 8 Unknown
0x58 8
 u8 region
 u8 country
 u8 area
 u8 language
 u8 platform = 2
 u8 padding[3]
0x60 8 LocalFriendCodeSeed u64
0x68 (12 + 1) * 2 UTF16 string of MAC address of the console (only the digits)
0x82 (15 + 1) * 2 UTF16 string of console serial number without the checksum digit
0xA2 (10 + 1) * 2 UTF16 string of Display name
0xBB 0x60 Unaligned Mii data
0x11B 5 Padding (0x120)



Offset Size Description
0x00 4 File magic "FPFL" (Friends Preference Friend List)
0x04 4 File magic number (0x20101021)
0x08 8 Padding
0x10 ? * 0x100 Friend entries...

Friend entry

Offset Size Description
0x00 0x10 FriendKey:
 u32 principal_id
 u32 padding
 u64 friend_code
0x10 0x4 Unknown
0x14 1 Friend relationship
0x15 8
 u8 region
 u8 country
 u8 area
 u8 language
 u8 platform = 2
 u8 padding[3]
0x1D 3 Padding
0x20 0x10 GameKey of friend favorite game:
 u64 title_id
 u32 title_version
 u32 unknown
0x30 16 * 2 UTF16 string of personal message
0x50 0x8 Unknown
0x58 8 Message update timestamp
0x60 8 Mii update timestamp
0x68 8 Last online timestamp
0x70 0x60 Mii data
0xD0 (10 + 1) * 2 UTF16 string of display name
0xE8 8 Friendship? timestamp
0xF0 8 Same as 0x58?
0xF8 8 Same as 0x60?