
From 3dbrew
Revision as of 11:15, 8 July 2024 by DaniElectra (talk | contribs) (Add parameter names from Wii U)
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Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x00010183]
1 Sharedmem size.
2 u8 Max number of clients.
3 Process Id
4 u8 Child index
5 Block buffer size? 0x40000
6 Block buffer num? 0x2
7 MoveHandleDescriptor for 2 handles
8 Shared mem handle
9 Event handle


This initializes the DLP server. The DLP child to be used is selected based on the process title ID and the child index given. The high title ID must be "00040001" and the low title ID must be: low_title_id & 0xFF == child_index