Title list

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The Nintendo 3DS utilizes a similar title-based organization as seen in the Wii and DSi platforms. The same update server is being used as was with the DSi, however a new common key has been introduced.

The organization of Title IDs has not been documented fully yet. It's unknown how regions are determined in titleids if at all though there does appear to be evidence that the regions are sequential, similar to how Wii System Menu Updates are ordered: JPN USA EUR KOR and CHN (introduced with the DSi).

00000000 - Ext/Extra Data

TitleID Low Region Description Versions
000004aa USA Nintendo Video Extra Data

(Notes: This is where the video files are stored, and I assume the thumbnails, the descriptions, and some check sum files. There are always 9 files within the subdirectory "00000000" of this folder, even without any videos downloaded. The files are "00000001" - "00000009", and "00000003" - "00000008" have the same filesize of 50.7 MB. It is possible to restore the older videos by overwriting all the files within this directory. Provided of course you have made a backup of the files before hand, by copying all the files within this directory to your computer. As far I'm aware its not possible to mix and match the files in order to get certain videos in one grouping, ie. having all 3 Zelda orchestral recordings in one group of 4 Nintendo videos.)


00040010 - System Applications

TitleID Low Region Description Versions Status
00020000 JPN System Settings v0, v1027, v2062 Active
00021000 USA System Settings v0, v1027, v2062 Active
00022000 EUR System Settings v0, v1027, v2062 Active
00020100 JPN Download Play v0, v1026 Active
00021100 USA Download Play v0, v1026 Active
00022100 EUR Download Play v0, v1026 Active
00020200 JPN Activity Log v0, v1026, v2054 Active
00021200 USA Activity Log v0, v1026, v2054 Active
00022200 EUR Activity Log v0, v1026, v2054 Active
00020300 JPN Health and Safety Information v0 Active
00021300 USA Health and Safety Information v0 Active
00022300 EUR Health and Safety Information v0 Active
00020400 JPN Nintendo 3DS Camera v0, v16, v1039 Active
00021400 USA Nintendo 3DS Camera v0, v16, v1039 Active
00022400 EUR Nintendo 3DS Camera v0, v16, v1039 Active
00020500 JPN Nintendo 3DS Sound v0, v1027, v2049 Active
00021500 USA Nintendo 3DS Sound v0, v1027, v2049 Active
00022500 EUR Nintendo 3DS Sound v0, v1027, v2049 Active
00020700 JPN Mii Maker v0, v1026 Active
00021700 USA Mii Maker v0, v1026 Active
00022700 EUR Mii Maker v0, v1026 Active
00020800 JPN StreetPass Mii Plaza v0, v1027, v2048, v3087, v4096 Active
00021800 USA StreetPass Mii Plaza v0, v1027, v2048, v3087, v4096 Active
00022800 EUR StreetPass Mii Plaza v0, v1027, v2048, v3087, v4096 Active
00020900 JPN eShop v4, v1026, 2058 Active
00021900 USA eShop v4, v1026, v2058 Active
00022900 EUR eShop v4, v1026, v2058 Active
00020A00 JPN Web browser v4, v1035 Active
00021A00 USA Web browser v4, v1035 Active
00022A00 EUR Web browser v4, v1035 Active
00020B00 JPN Nintendo Zone v0, v1034 Active
00021B00 USA Nintendo Zone v0, v1034 Active
00022B00 EUR Nintendo Zone v0, v1034 Active
00020D00 JPN ? v0, v1028 Active
00021D00 USA ? v0, v1028 Active
00022D00 EUR ? v0, v1028 Active
00020E00 JPN ? v0, v1027 Active
00021E00 USA ? v0, v1027 Active
00022E00 EUR ? v0, v1027 Active
00020F00 JPN ? v0, v1024 Active
00021F00 USA ? v0, v1024 Active
00022F00 EUR ? v0, v1024 Active
00023000 JPN Promotional video v0, v2048 Stubbed
00024000 USA Promotional video v0, v2048 Stubbed
00025000 EUR Promotional video v0, v2048 Stubbed


TitleID Low Description Versions
00010002 ? v0
00010702 ? v0

00040020 - Game Trials

TitleID Low Region Description Versions
00048101 JPN Monster Hunter tri G v1


TitleID Low Region Description Versions
00008202 JPN ? v0, v1029, v4111
00008402 JPN ? v0, v1036
00008602 JPN ? v0, v1026, v2048
00008802 JPN ? v6, v1024
00008A02 All ? v0, v1025, v3072
00008D02 JPN ? v0, v1026, v3082
00008E02 JPN ? v0, v1029, v2054
00008F02 USA ? v0, v1027, v2049, v4111
00009202 USA ? v0, v1026, v1036
00009302 USA ? v0, v1026, v2048
00009402 USA ? v6, v1024
00009602 USA ? v0, v1026, v3082
00009702 USA ? v0, v1029, v2054
00009802 EUR ? v0, v1029, v4111
00009902 EUR ? v0, v1036
00009B02 EUR ? v0, v1036, v2048
00009D02 EUR ? v6, v1024
00009F02 EUR ? v6, v1024, v3082
0000A002 EUR ? v6, v1024, v2054
0000C002 JPN ? v0, v1026, v2053
0000C102 JPN ? v0, v1026
0000C302 JPN ? v0, v1024
0000C502 All ? v0, v1026, v2053
0000C602 JPN ? v5
0000C802 USA ? v0, v1026, v2053
0000C902 USA ? v0, v1026
0000CB02 USA ? v0, v1024
0000CC02 USA ? v3
0000CD02 All ? v1
0000CE02 USA ? v5
0000D002 EUR ? v0, v1026, v2053
0000D102 EUR ? v0, v1026
0000D302 EUR ? v0, v1024
0000D602 EUR ? v5


TitleID Low Region Description Versions
00010202 All ? v0, v2050
00010302 All ? v0, v2052
00010402 All ? v0, v1024, v2050
00010502 All ? v0, v1024, v2048
00010602 All ? v2
00011902 JPN ? v0
00011402 USA ? v0
00011202 EUR ? v0
00012102 EUR ? v0, v1026, v2051
00012202 JPN ? v1026
00012302 USA ? v1026, v2053
00012102 EUR ? v1026, v2051
00013102 EUR ? v1024, v2049
00013302 USA ? v1024, v2051
00016302 USA ? v80
00017302 USA ? v3088


These ids can be found @ offset 0x320 in every CCI... (the region of the title is the region of the CCI).

(Maybe this is the loader title, like IOS on the Wii, and could be the value we need to change to get RegionFree...).

TitleID Low Region Description Versions
00010302 EUR ? v0, v1024, v2052
00010502 EUR ? v0, v1024, v2048
00016102 EUR ? v32, v48, v64, v80, v96
00016202 JPN ? v32, v48, v64, v80, v96
00016302 USA ? v32, v48, v64, v80, v96
00017102 EUR ? v2049, v2069, v3088
00017302 USA ? v2049, v2069

00040130 - FIRMWARE

TitleID Low Title Name Description Versions
00001502 FIRMWARE 02_15 v0, v1026, v2053
00001503 FIRMWARE 03_15 v0
00001602 FIRMWARE 02_16 Camera - System applet v0, v1026, v2048
00001702 FIRMWARE 02_17 Config - System applet v0, v1024, v2049
00001703 FIRMWARE 03_17 v0
00001802 FIRMWARE 02_18 Codec - system applet v0, v1025, v3072
00001803 FIRMWARE 03_18 v0
00001A02 FIRMWARE 02_1A DSP - system applet. v0, v1024
00001A03 FIRMWARE 03_1A v0
00001B02 FIRMWARE 02_1B v0
00001B03 FIRMWARE 03_1B v0
00001C02 FIRMWARE 02_1C v0, v1040, v2049, v3075
00001C03 FIRMWARE 03_1C v0
00001D02 FIRMWARE 02_1D v0, v1025, v3072
00001D03 FIRMWARE 03_1D v0
00001E02 FIRMWARE 02_1E i2c - system applet. v0, v1024
00001E03 FIRMWARE 03_1E v0
00001F02 FIRMWARE 02_1F v0, v1026, v3072
00001F03 FIRMWARE 03_1F v0
00002002 FIRMWARE 02_20 Microphone - system applet v0
00002102 FIRMWARE 02_21 v0
00002103 FIRMWARE 03_21 v0
00002202 FIRMWARE 02_22 v0, v1026, v3075
00002203 FIRMWARE 03_22 v0
00002302 FIRMWARE 02_23 spi - system applet. v0, v1025
00002303 FIRMWARE 03_23 v0
00002402 FIRMWARE 02_24 Network - System Applet v0, v1024, v2052, v4101
00002403 FIRMWARE 03_24 v0
00002602 FIRMWARE 02_26 Messaging (NintendoZone) - System Applet v0, v1026, v3073
00002702 FIRMWARE 02_27 v0, v1025
00002703 FIRMWARE 03_27 v0
00002802 FIRMWARE 02_28 DownloadPlay - System applet v0, v1026, v3078
00002902 FIRMWARE 02_29 http - system applet v0, v1026, v4099
00002903 FIRMWARE 03_29 v0
00002A02 FIRMWARE 02_2A v0
00002A03 FIRMWARE 03_2A v0
00002B02 FIRMWARE 02_2B v0, v1025, v2049
00002C02 FIRMWARE 02_2C v0, v1028, v2055
00002C03 FIRMWARE 03_2C v0
00002D02 FIRMWARE 02_2D v0, v1024, v2052, v4101
00002D03 FIRMWARE 03_2D v0
00002E02 FIRMWARE 02_2E Sockets - System applet v0, v1024, v2053, v3075
00002E03 FIRMWARE 03_2E v0
00002F02 FIRMWARE 02_2F SSL - System applet. v0, v1024, v3072
00002F03 FIRMWARE 03_2F v0
00003102 FIRMWARE 02_31 v0, v1025
00003103 FIRMWARE 03_31 v0
00003202 FIRMWARE 02_32 FriendsList - System applet v0, v1028, v3072
00003203 FIRMWARE 03_32 v0
00003302 FIRMWARE 02_33 v0, v1026, v3072
00003303 FIRMWARE 03_33 v0
00003402 FIRMWARE 02_34 BOSS (SpotPass) System Applet v0, v1024, v2053, v4101
00003502 FIRMWARE 02_35 v0, v1028, v3072
00003702 FIRMWARE 02_37 v0
00008002 FIRMWARE 02_80 v0, v1028, v3077
00008003 FIRMWARE 03_80 v0


TitleID Low Description Versions
00000002 Home Menu v432, v1472, v2516, v3553, v5647
00000003 ? v432, v5632
00000102 ? v432, v1489, 2565
00000202 ? v519


TitleID Low Description Versions
42383841(B88A) DS Internet v0, v1025, v2048
484E4441(HNDA) Download Play v1024


TitleID Low Description Versions
484E4841(HNHA) Nintendo DS Cart Whitelist v0, v1026, v3072
484E4C41(HNLA) Matches the DSi titleid low for Version Data but this title was never updated.(As of 2.1.0-4) v0

00040000 - eShop Titles

TitleID Low Region Description Versions
00032600 EUR/USA Pokédex 3D v0
00034700 ? ? v0
00040800 ? ? v16
00040900 ? ? v16
00040A00 ? ? v16
00040B00 ? ? v16
00040E00 ? ? v0
00041000 ? ? v0
00041100 ? ? v0
00041300 ? ? v0
00041500 ? ? v0
00041800 ? ? v0
00041900 EUR Kirby's Dream Land v0
00041D00 ? ? v0
00041E00 ? ? v0
00041F00 ? ? v0
00042400 ? ? v0
00042600 ? ? v0
00042700 ? ? v0
00042800 EUR Zelda: Link's Awakening DX v0
00042900 ? ? v16
00042A00 ? ? v0
00042C00 ? ? v0
00042E00 ? ? v0
00043000 ? ? v0
00045C00 JPN 3D Classics Excitebike v0
00046C00 EUR 3D Classics Excitebike v0
00048900 ? ? v0
00049900 ? ? v0
00049D00 ? ? v0
0004A900 ? ? v0
0004AA00 USA Nintendo Video v0
0004AB00 EUR Nintendo Video v0
0004B400 ? ? v0
0004D500 ? ? v0
0004E700 ? ? v16
0004EF00 ? ? v0
0004F300 ? ? v0
0004FA00 ? ? v0
0004FD00 ? ? v0
00051700 USA Swapnote v0
00051800 EUR Letter Box v0
00052600 ? ? v32
00052700 ? ? v16
00052800 ? ? v0, v1024
00052900 ? ? v32
00052A00 ? ? v0
00052D00 ? ? v16
00054300 USA 3D Classics Excitebike v0
00054E00 EUR 3D Classics Excitebike v0, v1024
00055800 ? ? v16
00057700 USA Netflix v0
00059200 ? ? v16
0005AD00 JPN Kid Icarus Uprising E3 Video v0
0005AE00 USA Kid Icarus Uprising E3 Video v0
0005AF00 JPN Paper Mario E3 Video v0
0005B000 USA Paper Mario E3 Video v0
0005B100 JPN Mario Kart E3 Video v0
0005B200 USA Mario Kart E3 Video v0
0005B300 JPN Animal Crossing E3 Video v0
0005B400 USA Animal Crossing E3 Video v0
0005B500 JPN Luigi's Mansion 2 E3 Video v0
0005B600 USA Luigi's Mansion 2 E3 Video v0
0005B700 JPN Zelda Ocarina of Time E3 Video v0
0005B800 USA Zelda Ocarina of Time E3 Video v0
0005B900 JPN Super Mario E3 Video v0
0005BA00 USA Super Mario E3 Video v0
0005BB00 JPN MGS Snake Eater 3D E3 Video v0
0005BC00 USA MGS Snake Eater 3D E3 Video v32
0005BD00 JPN Biohazard Revelations E3 Video v16
0005BE00 USA Resident Evil Revelations E3 Video v32
0005BF00 JPN Starfox 64 3D E3 Video v0
0005C000 USA Starfox 64 3D E3 Video v0
0005EA00 EUR Green Lantern 3D Trailer Video v0
0005F000 USA Green Lantern 3D Trailer Video v0
0005F800 ? ? v0
0005F900 ? ? v0
0005FC00 ? ? v0
0005FD00 ? ? v0
00060000 ? ? v0
00062400 EUR Kid Icarus Uprising E3 Video v0
00062700 EUR Paper Mario E3 Video v0
00062A00 EUR Mario Kart E3 Video v0
00062B00 ? ? v0
00062C00 ? ? v0
00062D00 EUR Animal Crossing E3 Video v0
00063000 EUR Luigi's Mansion 2 E3 Video v0
00063300 EUR Zelda Ocarina of Time E3 Video v0
00063400 ? ? v0
00063500 ? ? v0
00063600 EUR Super Mario E3 Video v0
00063700 ? ? v0
00063800 ? ? v0
00063900 EUR MGS Snake Eater 3D E3 Video v0
00063C00 EUR Resident Evil Revelations E3 Video v0
00063D00 ? ? v0
00063E00 ? ? v0
00063F00 EUR Starfox 64 3D E3 Video v0
00064000 ? ? v0
00064100 ? ? v0
0006E500 USA Super Mario Bros. v0
0006E600 EUR Super Mario Bros. v0
0006EE00 USA Metroid v0
0006EF00 EUR Metroid v0
0006F100 USA The Legend of Zelda v0
0006F200 EUR The Legend of Zelda v0
0006F700 USA Wrecking Crew v0
0006F800 EUR Wrecking Crew v0
0006FA00 USA NES Open Tournament Golf v0
0006FB00 EUR NES Open Tournament Golf v0
00070000 USA Donkey Kong Jr. v0
00070100 EUR Donkey Kong Jr. v0
00070300 USA Balloon Fight v0
00070400 EUR Balloon Fight v0
00070600 USA Ice Climber v0
00070700 EUR Ice Climber v0
00070900 USA Zelda II The Adventure of Link v0
00070A00 EUR Zelda II The Adventure of Link v0
00071200 USA Yoshi v0
00071300 EUR Yoshi v0
00072400 EUR Ambassador Certificate v0
00072500 USA Ambassador Certificate v0
00074900 USA GBA game: ? v0
00074C00 USA GBA game: ? v0
00074F00 USA GBA game: ? v0
00075300 USA GBA game: ? v0
00075600 USA Metroid Fusion v0
00075900 USA GBA game: ? v0
00075C00 USA GBA game: ? v0
00076700 USA GBA game: ? v0
00076A00 USA GBA game: ? v0
00076D00 USA GBA game: ? v0
00079700 USA Preview Video: ? v0
00079800 USA Preview Video: ? v0
00079900 USA Preview Video: ? v0
00079A00 USA Preview Video: ? v0
00079B00 USA Preview Video: ? v0
00079C00 USA Preview Video: Animal Crossing v0
00079D00 USA Preview Video: ? v0
0007AB00 EUR Eurosport (looks/acts like Nintendo Video) v0

00040000 - Retail Titles

TitleID Low Region Description Versions
00030700 EUR Mario Kart 7 v0
00031D00 EUR PilotWings Resort v0
00033600 EUR The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time 3D v0
00033800 EUR Puzzle Bobble Universe v0
00033900 EUR Rayman 3D v0
00033A00 EUR Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3D v0
00033B00 EUR Ridge Racer 3D v0
00033C00 EUR Super Street Fighter IV - 3D Edition v0
00037500 EUR Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon - Shadow Wars v0
00038900 EUR Super Monkey Ball 3D v0
00038A00 EUR Dead or Alive - Dimensions v0
00038C00 EUR LEGO Star Wars III - The Clone Wars v0
00038B00 EUR Resident Evil - The Mercenaries 3D v0
00049100 EUR StarFox 64 3D v0
00053F00 EUR Super Mario 3D Land v0
00056200 EUR Doctor Lautrec and The Forgotten Knights v0