FS:Obsoleted 2 0 FormatThisUserSaveData

From 3dbrew
Revision as of 03:48, 17 October 2015 by Steveice10 (talk | contribs) (Add missing response.)
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Index Word Description
0 Header code [0x080F0180]
1 u32 "sizeBlock" (size of savedata in blocks?)
2 u32 "countDirectoryEntry"
3 u32 "countFileEntry"
4 u32 "countDirectoryEntryBucket"
5 u32 "countFileEntryBucket"
6 bool "isDuplicateAll"


Index Word Description
0 Header code
1 Result code


This clears the SaveData archive for the current game, it probably calls FS:FormatSaveData with an empty path.