Setting up Development Environment

Revision as of 12:37, 23 November 2014 by MemoryController (talk | contribs) (added instructions for Linux)


  • Install devkitARM. If it's already installed, update it. On Windows there's a GUI installer. On Linux/Mac there's a perl-script. Make sure you also select ctrulib when installing.
  • Download the files in the ctrulib repository (even though the library has already been installed) because the repository contains a 3DS project template and examples.


  • First get the devkitARM updater Perl script for Linux.
  • Run it with superuser privileges if your /opt directory is not marked world read-writeable.
  • Get ctrulib from Smealum's GitHub repository, build and install it.
sudo -s
curl -L -o
chmod +x ./
cd /opt/devkitpro
git clone
cd ctrulib/libctru
make install

Building the examples

3DS examples are still being created. Currently there are a few examples in the separate ctrulib download under the "examples" folder.

  • arm11u: simple homebrew example
  • sdmc: demonstrates how to access files on the SD card
  • mic: demonstrates how to read sound from the microphone
  • gpu: demonstrates how to render 3D geometry with the GPU

Building homebrew for distribution

To build your homebrew open a terminal, browse to your homebrew's folder and run make.

  • This will build a .elf file and a .3dsx file together with an icon. The icon and .3dsx file are the format required for the Homebrew Channel.
  • To build a Gateway-compatible .3ds file you need to strip the .elf file and use makerom on it (with the provided RSF file):
arm-none-eabi-strip [ELF file]
makerom -f cci -o [.3ds file] -rsf [RSF file] -target d -exefslogo -elf [ELF file] -icon [icon file] -banner [banner file]