FRD Savegame

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Revision as of 19:20, 6 March 2025 by TimmSkiller (talk | contribs)
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This page describes the contents of the friends sysmodule savegame.

Save data for the sysmodule has the following general structure:

├── config
└── <Local Account ID>
    ├── account
    ├── friendlist
    └── mydata

Despite being generally unused, the sysmodule supports the usage of multiple accounts.

Each account gets its own "Local Account ID", and a directory named after this ID. The directory contains all relevant account information.


This file only contains the local account ID of the currently active account.

The friends sysmodule uses this file to determine which account to load by default.

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 File magic "FPCF" (Friend Presence Config)
0x04 4 File magic number (0x20101021)
0x08 8 Padding
0x10 4 Current Local Account ID


This file stores various essential data related to the corresponding account.

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 File magic "FPAC" (Friend Presence Account Config)
0x04 4 File magic number (0x20101021)
0x08 8 Padding
0x10 4 Local Account ID
0x14 4 PrincipalID
0x18 8 LocalFriendCode
0x20 (16 + 1) * 2 16-character UTF-16 NEX Password (16 characters + NULL termination)
0x42 (8 + 1) * 2 8-character UTF-16 PrincipalID HMAC (Used for logging into NASC server) (8 characters + NULL termination)
0x54 1 NASC Environment (0: Production, 1: Testing, 2: Development)
0x55 1 Server type letter value
0x56 1 Server type number value
0x57 1 Padding


Stores console-specific information related to the account.

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 File magic "FPMD" (Friend Presence My Data/Device)
0x04 4 File magic number (0x20101021)
0x08 8 Padding
0x10 4 My NC Principal ID
0x14 4 MoveCount
0x18 4 Change bit flag
0x1C 3 Preferences
0x1F 1 Padding
0x20 0x10 GameKey of favorite title
0x30 (16 + 1) * 2 16-Character UTF-16 personal message (comment) (16 characters + NULL termination)
0x52 1 First byte of the console's LocalFriendCodeSeed
0x53 5 Padding
0x58 8 Profile
0x60 8 u64, LocalFriendCodeSeed
0x68 (12 + 1) * 2 12-character UTF-16 MAC address (only the digits) (12 characters + NULL termination)
0x82 (15 + 1) * 2 15-character UTF-16 console serial number without the checksum digit (15 characters + NULL termination)
0xA2 (10 + 1) * 2 10-character UTF-16 Display name (10 characters + NULL termination)
0xBB 0x60 Mii data
0x11B 5 Padding

Change Bit Flags

Value Description
1 Game Key changed.
2 Game mode description changed.
4 Join availability flag changed.
8 Matchmake system type changed.
16 Join game ID changed.
32 Join game mode changed.
64 Owner [PID] changed.
128 Join group ID changed.
256 Application argument changed.


Contains the friend list associated with the account.


Offset Size Description
0x00 4 File magic "FPFL" (Friend Presence Friend List)
0x04 4 File magic number (0x20101021)
0x08 8 Padding
0x10 100 * 0x100 Friend entries (maximum 100)

Friend entry

Offset Size Description
0x00 0x10 FriendKey of this friend
0x10 0x4 NC Principal ID of this friend
0x14 1 Relationship with this friend
0x15 8 Profile of this friend
0x1D 3 Padding
0x20 0x10 GameKey of this friend's favorite title
0x30 (16 + 1) * 2 16-character UTF-16 personal message (comment) of this friend (16 characters + NULL termination)
0x52 0x6 padding
0x58 8 NEX timestamp for the last time this friend updated their personal comment (message)
0x60 8 NEX timestamp for the last time this friend updated their Mii
0x68 8 NEX timestamp for the last time this friend was seen online
0x70 0x60 Mii data
0xD0 (10 + 1) * 2 10-character UTF-16 Display name (10 characters + NULL termination)
0xE6 1 bool, profanity flag
0xE7 1 u8, Mii character set
0xE8 8 NEX timestamp for when this friend was added
0xF0 8 Appears to be identical to the timestamp at offset 0x58.
0xF8 8 Appears to be identical to the timestamp at offset 0x60.