This service was added with 2.0.0-2. It employs a custom packet format with obfuscation and error detection.
Command set
When sending data, SendIrnop is used when the size is <=0xFC, otherwise SendIrnopLarge is used.
Command Header | Available since system version | Description |
0x00010182 | 2.0.0-2 | InitializeIrnop |
0x00020000 | 2.0.0-2 | FinalizeIrnop |
0x00030000 | 2.0.0-2 | ClearReceiveBuffer |
0x00040000 | 2.0.0-2 | ClearSendBuffer |
0x0005.... | 2.0.0-2 | WaitConnection |
0x00060040 | 2.0.0-2 | RequireConnection (u8 input) |
0x0007.... | 2.0.0-2 | AutoConnection |
0x0008.... | 2.0.0-2 | AnyConnection |
0x00090000 | 2.0.0-2 | Disconnect |
0x000A0000 | 2.0.0-2 | GetReceiveEvent (writes event handle to cmdreply[3]) |
0x000B0000 | 2.0.0-2 | GetSendEvent (writes event handle to cmdreply[3]) |
0x000C0000 | 2.0.0-2 | GetConnectionStatusEvent (writes event handle to cmdreply[3]) |
0x000D0042 | 2.0.0-2 | SendIrnop (u32 size, ((Size<<14) | 2), inbufptr) |
0x000E0042 | 2.0.0-2 | SendIrnopLarge (u32 size, ((Size<<8) | 10), inbufptr) |
0x000F.... | 2.0.0-2 | ReceiveIrnop |
0x0010.... | 2.0.0-2 | ReceiveIrnopLarge |
0x0011.... | 2.0.0-2 | GetLatestReceiveErrorResult |
0x0012.... | 2.0.0-2 | GetLatestSendErrorResult |
0x0013.... | 2.0.0-2 | GetConnectionStatus |
0x0014.... | 2.0.0-2 | GetTryingToConnectStatus |
0x0015.... | 2.0.0-2 | GetReceiveSizeFreeAndUsed |
0x0016.... | 2.0.0-2 | GetSendSizeFreeAndUsed |
0x0017.... | 2.2.0-X | GetConnectionRole |
0x00180182 | 2.2.0-X | InitializeIrnopShared (u32, u32, u32, u32, u32, u8, 0, handle) |
0x00190040 | 2.2.0-X | ReleaseReceivedData (32bit_value input) |
0x001A0040 | 2.2.0-X | SetOwnMachineId (u8 input) |
Protocol description
Packets are sent using IrDA-SIR, with a 8N1 encoding (eight data bits, one stop bit, without parity). Each one is formed by a 2-byte header, a varint with the payload size, an obfuscated payload, and trailing error detection byte.
Packet header
The packet header is fixed and consists in a synchronization byte (0xA5), followed by a unused (possibly RFU) zero byte. After these two hardcoded bytes, there's a varint representing the payload size, which may use one byte or two, depending on the how big the payload is.
- For payloads with less than 64 bytes, the third byte represents the payload size.
- For packets with up to 16383 bytes, the size is split in two bytes, with the third byte being the upper 6 bits of the payload size, OR'd with 0x40, and the fourth being the lower eight bits of the payload size
For packets with less than 64 bytes:
Sync | RFU | Size |
0xA5 | 0x00 | size |
For packets with up to 16383 bytes:
Sync | RFU | Size (1) | Size (2) |
0xA5 | 0x00 | (size >> 8) | 0x40 | size & 0xFF |
In C:
uint8_t * setPacketHeader(uint8_t * buffer, size_t payloadSize) { assert(payloadSize < 16384); buffer[0] = 0xA5; buffer[1] = 0x00; if (payloadSize < 64) { buffer[2] = payloadSize; buffer += 3; } else { buffer[2] = 0x40 | (payloadSize >> 8); buffer[3] = payloadSize; buffer += 4; } return buffer; }
The payload is obfuscated using a XOR-based encryption. In C:
void payloadObfuscate(const void * voidplain, void * voidcipher, size_t size) { uint16_t * plain = (uint16_t *) voidplain; uint16_t * cipher = (uint16_t *) voidcipher; size_t halfCount = size / sizeof(uint16_t); uint16_t xorval = htobe16(0xE963); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < halfCount; i++) { xorval ^= plain[i]; cipher[i] = xorval; } } void payloadDeobfuscate(const void * voidcipher, void * voidplain, size_t size) { uint16_t * cipher = (uint16_t *) voidcipher; uint16_t * plain = (uint16_t *) voidplain; size_t halfCount = size / sizeof(uint16_t); if (halfCount) { size_t i; for (i = halfCount - 1; i > 0; i--) { plain[i] = cipher[i] ^ cipher[i - 1]; } plain[0] = cipher[0] ^ htobe16(0xE963); } }
Error detection
The trailing error detection byte is calculated using CRC-8-CCITT over the whole packet (both the header and the payload)